Hello, if i want to take the caliper out for cleaning and powder coating...do i have to bleed the brakes?
Yes you will have to blled them when you reinstall them.
anytime you remove a brake line, you will have to bleed the brakes
and there is a lot more than just taking it off to powder coat it. pretty sure you have to completely dissasemble it.
well the seals can take teh heat....but you would have to be really good at taping the piston off
My car may run 18s, but I can do your taxes in 10 seconds flat.
JBO lube - they would never have enough in stock and we'd never see RodimusPrime again
Also if you are going to take them off for that spend a few bucks for two little clamps to clamp off the lines not to get air in them.
You will thank me later. Also you can get about the same effect if you use epoxy paint on them.
Cheaper and can be done in one day without bleading the brakes.
if your asking if you need to bleed the brakes i would bleed them . i bleed mine every time i rotate the tires . 5k or so. brake fluid is hygroscopic ( absorbs water from the air) no bueno people. if your brake fluid has started to turn colors i would completely flush the system. i have a pressure bleeder made by motive its so awesome trust me its worth the investment . you can bleed them regular too just takes longer. bleed those brakes boy your life may depend on it!!!
Bleeding brakes every 5k or so isn't really necessary as far a i know but each to there own.
As everyone so far has said yes whenever you remove any brake line you need to bleed the brakes otherwise you will have air in the lines.
(99 - Sunfire - Red - 2200)(95 - Cavalier z24 - Purple - 2.3 quad four)
as far as your safty im not concerned as for mine and my cousins kids who often ride in my car bleed the breaks and plus i always use the concept would you eat off a plate covered in mold i think no so y would you leave air in the break lines
Why would you spend the time cleaning up your calipers when new ones can be had for like $15? Buy them, dissasemble them (there is a thread not too long ago about this), drop them off to be coated, then re-assemble and install them. You're not going to re-use any of the old parts anyways, and a rebuild kit is close to $10, so you're dropping an extra $5 and saving a bunch of time.