okay, i have no brakes at all. heres the background as best as i can tell. doing the neon swap. as far as i thought i read you dont need to nessicarily run the emergency brake, so for now i skipped it, i pulled the dust shield piece off because the rotor was rubbing on it. i didn't think this would be an issue. i ran a solid line from the solid end of the brake line to the caliper and we bled the brakes, got air the first time, air and fluid the second and full fluid the third time, did the back starting with the rear passenger then the driver side. did those twice, the i went and did the fronts too just in case, they were pure liquid, we made sure to refill the resovior and threw the wheels on. i went to drive around the block and i had no brakes whatsoever. not even the front brakes were working, i couldn't even stop the car. i figured even if there was air in the lines going to the back or if the backs weren't working at all i figured the fronts would still work. but they didn't. nothing. we checked all the lines and there didnt seem to be any leakage at the brakes or the lines, do i just need to go back to bleeding them again or is there something im just missing?
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how much fluid came out? if the brake fluid reservoir ran dry you man need to replace your master cylinder... try bleeding your breaks until you see no bubbles in the braking fluid, but make sure the cylinder does NOT run dry
go back to bleeding. open the valve very miniminally, maybe 1/10 to 1/8 of a turn. what I had was a shady valve that would let air back in the second you cracked it, so i could never fully bleed them. took me 2.5 days to figure that one out.
as for your ebrake, now you know why its a good idea to have an ebrake.
- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
Andrey B wrote:how much fluid came out? if the brake fluid reservoir ran dry you man need to replace your master cylinder... try bleeding your breaks until you see no bubbles in the braking fluid, but make sure the cylinder does NOT run dry
im not positive on the reservoir running dry. i pretty sure it had some liquid still left in it. we filled it up before we started bleedin the brakes.
my carDomain updated 3/6/07 Boosted at B-day!
open the bleederand let it sit, don't pump the brakes or anything, start with the right rear, then left rear, ten right front, then left front. Open the bleeder and lt is sit and drain itself. Fiil the resoviour to the very top, open a bleeder and let the resoviour get about half way down and then fill it to the top again then half way down again, close the bleeder, go on to the next wheel.
Its a bit time consuming but try it.
the best way to bleed the breaks is with a bleeder kit. it's like 15 $ at canadian tire and it will get the job done quickly...
Darkstars wrote:open the bleederand let it sit, don't pump the brakes or anything, start with the right rear, then left rear, ten right front, then left front. Open the bleeder and lt is sit and drain itself. Fiil the resoviour to the very top, open a bleeder and let the resoviour get about half way down and then fill it to the top again then half way down again, close the bleeder, go on to the next wheel.
Its a bit time consuming but try it.
i'll give this a try, not like im having much luck with what im doing now.
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take it to a shop n00b.
i know you're an experienced member, but i had to say it
- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
^now that is funny...........
Viper98912 wrote:take it to a shop n00b.
i know you're an experienced member, but i had to say it ![](/global/images/emoticons/ab.gif)
to be honest, if there was no stop signs, turns, pedestrians, and a soft cushy pillow to stop the car at the shop i problably just would.
and its not like ive ever had problems changing brakes before. i put on my wildwoods without any issues, have changed and bled disc and drum brakes without any major issues before.
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like i said, only crack the bleeder a very little bit and try it again. hopefully you'll get it resolved.
- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
I wouldnt call it wasted time. You learned something from it.
Atleast you found the problem and not a shop. That would be even more embarrassing.
Glad you got it figured out.....I do send a lol to you
sndsgood wrote:well im a retard, i had the calipers on backwards, bleeder towards the bottom. so i swapped them out, rebled them and they are working fine.
I did that same crap with my NWF front swap, and I felt like a f'n retard too.
Glad ya got it fixed!
Car is for Sale!Supercharger kit is for sale!
A simple mistake, glad you managed to figure it out.
I must "lol" too.
14.330 @ 96.37mph