no they are garbage. do you have a pic of them? if not, ask him to take a pic.
Just edited post with pics sry, was having problems attaching them.
Sorry the site I linked them from is giving me issues, sometimes the pics work sometimes they are red Xs... Different everytime I refresh.
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do you know whats in that baggy in the 4th pic? they look like generic coils to me
Number 1 Coil Thread
there were a few others but this is the best i could find. if anything, i doubt they would be anything good.
yeah, that looks like the ol bag of o-rings that come with generic coilovers.
I wouldnt mess with them if I were you.
I have seen some BAD things go down with generic coilovers, and those look like a prime example.
Ok thanks. He SAID he got them from RK and like I mentioned, I didn't think Rksport would sell something that was a total waste so figured it was worth looking into.
Thanks for the input.
Going to be putting on Johnny B's setup anyways to hold me over for now.
"Number one" parts come from Nopi (NOPI=Number One Parts Inc.). Most all of their products are made by other companies some of the companies are good, and some of them just make crap. I have one of Nopi's intakes on my 99 2200, and it was a knockoff of AEM's. Has been a good intake for the price. Coilovers on the other hand... yeah I wouldn't touch those.
true dat true intake is a nopi edition AEM...
wow.. never knew nopi stood for that...
never knew these 'coilovers' existed either...
they look rather large to be 'coilovers' though?

I believe I can see the future... as I repeat the same routine....
I vote NO.
On the other had, they look like FANTASTIC paperweights!
like shadowfire before me, i have an intake from number1 and i also hav a header from number1. both i am very pleased with. but as far as suspension goes, you get what you pay for i guess
Has anyone actually had their hands on these though to really judge their quality or craftsmanship on them. I understand you get what you pay for, but if they can't sell the product too well then they can't really charge the money for it either I wouldn't think. Since nopi seems to copy everyones parts, it makes me wonder who these are copied off of.

2009 Ford Mustang V6
it doesnt matter if you have used them/touched them whatever. you can tell a cheap set of coils by just looking at them. if they are copies, thats even worse. 10 times out of 10 coils like these are mass produced to fit any car. obviously different cars weight more and have different spring rates. so now you have a generic coilover going on 1000 of cars. you can figure out the rest from there.