So, I got a used air system, the old ART kit. As of now the struts are ok, none are blown or anything, but I am noticing things about them, like the adjustment knob on one is broken off, etc.....looks like they had a hard life before I snagged them. They are no longer available from ART, but I was thinking, after the air bag is off the strut, could I do a rebuild with an insert, like Koni, or something similar?
Anyone have any expirience with this, is it a possibility, or am I going to have to get Easystreet's when these finally give out completely?
Did ART discontinue the j-body struts?
EasyStreet just recently did that with the Cobalt line... but I'm told the j-body line is safe for now.
BTW - I'm no help to your actual question(s). #1 SOURCE FOR VHT NITE SHADES BACK ONLINE SOMETIME SOON!
PHONE 763-682-9945
Art discontinued the J-body kit a couple YEARS ago, when they switched strut manufacturers. I can get replacement bags.....but not the struts.