my old struts had an allen key hole on top the strut shaft to keep it from spining while i worked the top nut .
these kyb gr-2 do not. how can i keep the shaft from spinning while i try to put it back together?
thank you
Normally they have a hex end on top of the threads on the rods.
If not, your best bet is to use an impact wrench. You'll need to hold the rod with plyers or something, but with the impact you hardly need to put any pressure on it.
you dont want to hold the shaft with pliers because you will ruin it. best case is wrap a thick and soft material around the shaft and put it in a vice, being careful as not to tighten them too tight, and then going at it with an impact.
Grab a piece of rubber hose, like an extra bit of coolant line or large vacuum line... slit it length-wise and then wrap it around the shaft. Grip said piece of rubber hose with a pair of Vise-Grips (or whatever brand you prefer). Then you can turn use hand tools to put the mount on.