Are the rear drum brakes and shoes suppose to have some resistance or does the wheel need to spin freely no touching of shoes completely?
my mech says it needs to touch a bit and allow for the wheel to spin freely one turn with a spin of the hand. but i though it should spin for ever till gravity stops it etc.?
~1996 Cavalier LS 2.4L (auto)
They should juuuuuuuuust barely drag.
Paying someone to install parts and bragging about it being fast, is like watching someone bang your wife and being proud to raise their kids.
ok so exacly what the mech said, i just thought they shouldnt touch at allll.
~1996 Cavalier LS 2.4L (auto)
The closer they are without dragging the better. Helps them grab harder and faster when stopping.
"Oil Leak ? What oil Leak ? Oh, Thats Just The Sweat From All The HorsePower!!"