Hey everyone, I have a 1998 Cavalier and the ABS pump failed, illuminating the ABS warning light. I replaced the pump/master cylinder assembly, bled the system, and the brakes work fine. However, the ABS light still lights up - it turns off a few seconds after starting the engine, but after driving a few feet it lights up again. Is there a way (other than going to the dealer) to reset the ABS computer's memory to try to clear any lingering problem codes?
You can take the battery cable off and reset all the codes.
However... did you get the ABS scanned when the light appeared? What I'm trying to say here... how do you know for sure it was the ABS pump? The ABS light comes on for all sorts of reasons, not just the pump module being bad. You may not have fixed the problem that is causing the light.
Disconnecting the battery will work? I thought it was non-volatile memory. I will try that tonight.
I had it scanned quite a while ago and it returned the pretty common code for rear modulator stuck. When that was the issue, the "BRAKE!" warning light was illuminated, too. Now I only have the ABS lamp.
I guess it's possible that I now have a different problem, right?
The ABS auto tests at every start up, and the second it fails it will throw the light and disable the system. It isn't really a code per say... because it isn't driven by the OBDII system, so you cant have the light cleared.
I had this exact problem 5 years ago, and after paying a mechanic for 4 hours of electrical diagnostics and him coming up with nothing, I disabled the system and put a piece of electrical tape over the light behind the gauge face.
I've never looked back.
Paying someone to install parts and bragging about it being fast, is like watching someone bang your wife and being proud to raise their kids.
If the light comes on as soon as you start moving, then you have a wheel speed sensor problem.
Disconnecting the battery will do you no good. Take your car to a repair shop and they can hook it up to their scan tool to find out which sensor has a problem.