I am still having problems with the left front sticking when i inflate the bags. it did not do it when new. not all the time but 60% of the time when i inflate the car you can hear the air going and then the bag slowly lifts the car to where it should have been in the first place.
I sent them back and they put some new upper mounts on the fronts and told me that would fix it. It did not fix it. they are closed till monday so i am SOL.
has anyone had this problem with their struts or am i the only one.
this is getting really irritating considering its my daily driver and it may go down for some time again.
the kit only have about 500 miles on them.
I did notice that when i took the fronts off the last time that there was a scar/marking that was horizontal on the shaft and looked like it should not be there.
i hope i left enough info for everyone to get an idea.
any and all help is greatly appreciated on this.
find out what the bag is hanging up on, look for things sticking out that the bag could stick on, and make those scars...
I dont see how new strut mounts would keep it from sticking...
If anything, the strut shaft is getting hung up on the inside of the strut, and the force of the bag pulling up on it makes it go up-- slowly..
<img src=http://www.consumptionjunction.com/i/default03.gif>
My guess is that when they powder coated the strut the bumpstop inside the strut melted which is causing it to stick. When i got my kit i had to send a rear strut back to get it fixed, at first they though it was the seals so they fixed and sent back and it still didnt work so i had to send it back twice. It ended up being the bumpstop inside causing the strut not to go up. They are great people to work with though so no worries!
I will have to wait till monday to talk to them. I just dont want them to think im annoying with the problems im having.
i had the same problem... over time it seemed to go away
<img src="http://www.anthemwebservices.com/jenna/hydraulics_final.gif">
well its sunday and i just went out to the car and tried to cycle through the left front about 8 different time before the left front corner lifted correctly. I am at a loss. I cannot figure out what would be causing this problem.