well im put my easy street rear struts on and man do they ride like shxt! i tryed messing with adjustments i did whole way to the front, whole way to the back and half way....and all ride like shxt to me.... so think i did something wrong putting them on? heres what i did putting them on.... i put together the strut like told on paper i got with them the i put them on it was hard getting my on the axle...is that normal? i had to use a hammer b/c they wouldnt fit in the axle... i mean it ride alright its just stay away from any lil bumps or anything...is that normal.i need some ideas what it may be..... also thing on the bottom of the strut that hooks to the axle i srewed that in half way i dont know if that matters or not.... HELP ME OUT PLEASE haha
how much psi aer you running in the rear? I run between 60-70 in the rear and the adjuster at position 7 all the way around. the rear is not too bad for me. i think i ran the heim joint all the way into the shaft. and then tightened up the jam nut.
it all depends on your psi. set it to what you like. me personally, 45-50 in the rear is perfect for me with 4 clicks from the right. try adjusting the knob on the bottom. you dont want them turned all the way up or else it will be very stiff
Your psi in the rears is probably too high... keep it at about 60psi and click the knob 4-5 times from 0. There really shouldn't be another reason for the bounciness. Your bags are overly inflated for sure imo...
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