Here is an idea: Would it be possible to cover your springs in a heat shrink material with out sacraficing performance or risking damage? I was looking in to electrical heat shrinking for extreme outdoor use and though that it might work on the springs. Up here in Minnesota they get rushed in like 5 seconds and I was wondering if that might keep them looking puuurty longer...
heat shrink bends dont it, i dont see why not... as long as it actually seals. Otherwise u get water in there wont it rust?
98' Pontiac Sunfire SE
Yeah. I'm not sure if the stuff will seal to metal or not... Either that or I was thinking that engine enamal that is used for painting engines. That would prolly hold up don't you think?
i dont know, ive never understood how it would be able to flex, paint that is....
98' Pontiac Sunfire SE
Well, from my understand of the engine enamle stuff, it is more like a rubber spray coating than paint almost. So, I was hoping it would flex more. But then again, this description is coming from one of the autozone DipSh*Ts...