I have the easystreet air ride supsension, and to me i think it jumps a lil to quick when raising it...i was just wondering if neone could fill me in on how i could get it to raise slower and not "jump" when i push the buttun...all help is needed. thanks...
smaller air line...try 3/8's thats what i run and irs just right
yeah smaller airline would do the trick
Since you've already run the lines and probably don't want to redo it, a restricted orifice anywhere between the air source and the bags would slow things down, and you could play around with size to get the speed you want.
Put a valve between the bag and valves and you can adjust the speed easily. ANd you can always open it up for playing arounnd and still be fast.
I am all that is man
I put these ball valves on mine to slow down my lift speed. THey only control lift speed sence they are on the tank side and not the bag side of the valves.
<a href="http://www.imageshack.us"><img src="http://img91.echo.cx/img91/9012/pict09597xx.jpg" border="0" width="640" alt="Image Hosted by ImageShack.us" /></a>
I am all that is man
where do you guys have your switches mounted? Is it comman to mount the gagues and switches in the center consel map compartment?
i have mine on my passenger side seat. its a 10 switch box. since i dont have power windows, i have a little holder right there where the power window switches would be. i have a hole drilled in the bottom of that and thats where my wiring runs thru. i drilled 2 small holes in the bottom of my consol (sp?) and brought the air lines for the gauges up through there and my gagues are mounted inside. so i can close my arm rest and hide the gagues. lol thats about the cleanest part of my set up.
I like the fast pop-ups but slow exits. I had 1/4" exit line to slow that bioatch down
MY switches go any place I want them.
<img src="http://img160.echo.cx/img160/1905/switchbox9wr.png" alt="Image Hosted by ImageShack.us" />
I am all that is man
gauges on my a pillar in a dual pod and i have a 10 switch box with about 15' of line to take it outside the car
Phil Thacker
JCO North President