I had some pulsating going on while breaking and not in the pedal. Drums right !
Had them removed and checked for inside diameter and they were out of spec so I thought that by changing out the drums I would have proper inside diameter and get rid of the pulsating.
Pulsating is still there. Almost more pronounced now. Is it possible that the old pads are worn unevenly now due to being in a warped drum for so long.
Will I see an improvement if I replace the rear pads ?
Usually pulsating while braking is caused by warped rotors, not drums...
Replace the front rotors and pads, and you should be good to go.
<img src=http://www.consumptionjunction.com/i/default03.gif>
thanks. when pulling up on the hand brake while moving points to the pulsating originating from there cause you can really feel it when i do that.
pretty sure there is a problem in the rear. i guess it is either bad shoes now or a faulty new drums ??
anyone else ?
probably your shoes....changed mine this afternoon and they were looking like they had some high/low spots on em
Phil Thacker
JCO North President
replaced the shoes and improved the feel greater.. still a slight pulsation so i will get the rotors turned... it's about almost a year now since i installed those..
thanks for your help