I have a small problem and just trying to figure out where to start, the air is leaking out from each front bag, after about an hour total sitting time... i'm sure it's just a fitting leaking, but i'm trying to figure out where it could be coming from considering it's both of them at the same time and also the tank... I'm guessing it would be the "Tee's" that are coming from the tank to the air lines??? any recommendations will help.
get soapy water and spray the fittings. you'll find all the leaks
Or brush it on if it's in a hard to reach place that spray won't get to. This is a topic that could have easily been searched as well. JBO has a very fast search compared to other forums I frequent.
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yes but searching requires time and effort. why would anyone wanna do such a thing
Actually, I knew about the water and soap, I tried that already and got no success I was wondering about where to start, sorry for asking.
well if you used soapy water and found nothing then its not your fittngs. check your connections on each bag. if thats good, then take apart the valves and clean them out
If you have tried soap and water on EVERYTHING then there's a hole in the line,bag or tank, or a valve is bad. Soap and water everything, if that doesn't work call guiness cause you've just defied that laws of physics.
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