I was thinking of mounting the controls and gauges in the center council map compartment. Then it can be closed and the gauges will be hidden..Has anyone mounting them there? Any pics or ideas would be helpful.
This sounds like a question for the Interior guys. I'm sure it's been done.
They'd have plenty of pointers and tips for you.
I get to post a pic. Wohoooo.....

That is mine. I think Baggedcav has one also if I remember correctly. I don't know if he switched to a switch box or not yet.
well i have manual windows so instead of that little piece that holds the switches, i have a little holder there. i ran my wires up through that for my switch box and then i have my gauges in my center console like above
I have my back seat folded down and i have my gauges mounted on my speaker box. I can look in the rear view mirror and see them.
post pics of them behind u I wanna see thsi I have mine build into my center consoul
rydenonair wrote:I have my back seat folded down and i have my gauges mounted on my speaker box. I can look in the rear view mirror and see them.
how can u even read them? you can probably see what number their close to but only to about a 10psi range