i have an 00 2.2...
the sunroof started popping very loud when i opened it for a while... now
it will only open about half way.... and one side wont go completely flush with
the roof... would that be the motor.. or just a screwed up track or what?
screwed up track, i had to replace my whole sunroof for that reason. luckily i know some one that has a salvage yard and got a new one motor and all for 40 dollars
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i'd also say the track..mines doing the same thing less the popping..it opens only a 1/4 of the way..sometimes 1/2 and at times full...but if i apply forward pressure on the sunroof while it opens..it will open all the way..i noticed that all the rivets are loose and a little pastic clip is cracked. so till i get it fixed i just stick my arm out the window and grab the sunroof, push forward and presto ..seems to work for me
when that happened to mine, one side went back, the other would not... I dropped the headliner and took out the motor. The chain in the motor had skipped a few grooves on one side... slid that back and all is well...
<b>"In this world, nothing is certain but death and taxes." </b>