I just put a new computer and harness in my 99 2.4 that I bought off the org. The computer and harness are from the same type of car(99 z24 coupe auto). The problem is that the car starts up but only runs for about 3 seconds and then shuts off. I have fuel getting to the engine and spark at the coil. I have also checked a lot of the sensor with the multi meter and they check out. I could really use some help, cause I need her back on the road for April 11 thanks.
Get a scan tool...preferably GM's Tech 2 and see if there are any trouble codes...You said that you just swapped the old harness and PCM for another used one out of the same year car...The PCM's in these cavaliers have a non-replaceable EEPOROM (electrical, erasable, programmable, read-only-memory) chip soldered to the PCM. Whenever a PCM is replaced the new one must be re calibrated (reset) so it can relearn to the new vehicle. This can be done by a GM Tech 1 or Tech 2 scan tool. First thing first though.....I would hook up a scan tool and see if there are any DTC's (diagnostic trouble codes) if there is a problem with the PCM i will come up either P0601-PCM read-only-memery fault or P0602-PCM control module error. That's where I would start...Hope this helps.....let me know what happens
It is Theft Lock. It needs to be re-set. Do a search for theft lock and there is info on how to re-set it.
FU Tuning
hey I did a search and cant find how to re-set the theft lock. HELP
Check the Second Battery Fuse... lol