Well I had to use a quick charge pack the other day cuzz my dumbass played the radio and subs without starting it to long. Well Tonight I was doing some stuff and while driving I see my ABS light come on and it stayed on. Ran to best buy (Not for me I hate best buy) turn the car off went inside. Came back out and started it again and the light was gone. About 4 miles down the road it comes back on and my subs started cutting out. Then my guage lights and HAVC lights got really dim when I came to a stop but when I started going they went back to normal. I got my grandpas battery charger to charge the battery over night. I hope its just the battery and not the allternator (sp) Any thoughts? O and I hope this goes in here. I guess it could go in maintenance but I thought I try here first. Thanx in advance
2nd place is the 1st loser
^^ ok. Started it up this morning have it being charged over night started fine. No lights came on. I will see about my guage lights tonight when it gets dark.
2nd place is the 1st loser