someone has probly already asked this question but whatever. My 2nd gen just got totaled by some i was looking into a newer car that fits my price range. The 2005 and 2004 cavys r kinda out of my price range. So its either going to be a 2002 Z24 with a 2.4 or 2003 cavy with the 2.2 eco. What car is the better shot, as in terms of power and aftermarket?
There's quite a bit of stuff for the 2.4...but the eco pretty much is where all the attention is being focused on, especially by GM...lots of stuff is becoming available for it....I'd say the eco, but the 2.4 is nice as well.
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I have a 04 2.2 eco cav it suprised me I have raced a z24 2.4 the 2.4 had exhaust intake and short throw. I had exhaust and a IAT mod. I put 1 car on him out the hole. by 3rd gear I put another 1/2 a car and still pulling. I would get the ecotec.
^^^^ the guy in the 2.4 wasn't trying... IMO
i raced a few eco's from no mods to the same mods as me... and i beat them all
some were close... and some were not. pretty much a very close drivers race
i say 2.4... its a good engine... you just need to keep a close eye on it.. oil levels and what not
oh he was trying he tried 3 times son............ You havent ran me you have ran some slow ass auto's or some bad drivers. if you are ever in houston hit me up i have a eco 2.2 for u.................boyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....................
J R - you're not well place to talk. "IAT mod" hahahaha that must give you 50hp right? It doesn't work.
Street race are no good comparaison. so many things to consider. you can drive better than the other guy. The other car may be really in bad shape.
2.4 or 2.2 it doesn't mather. the 2.4 as a better "bolt on" option.
2.3 Ho
have u ever tried the IAT mode not the one on ebay that cost 6 bucks. If u new what u were talking about u would now that you can get more hp from fooling the sensor. If the computer thinks it is -9 degress out side then it will put more fuel into the motor. Yes if u dont put more air into the motor then it is useless.
Check the fuel pressure with the IAT mode on. Then check the fuel pressure with it off. On 62-65 psi with it off 56-60 psi not much but does make a little more power.
got dyno sheet from that? probably not.
If it was that easy, why did it never show any gain on a dyno sheet?
Btw, you really don't seem to know engine and combustion at all. Richer doesn't equl more power. At WOT you are already a bit rich so making it richer is plain stupid because it doesn't make more Hp. If you got any kind of force induction and you trick the IAT, you're just a moron. The best Hp/heat result is with a leaner mixture.
You want your stock setup to be leaner. As for fuel pressure, show me an electric fuel pressure regulator on a J. Fuel pressure is not affected by the IAT reading unless the Ecm move the IAC so you get less vacuum.
Less vacuum = more pressure on the OEM regulator. So unless you say more about your "power maker"
More power is the result of more heat thus more energie. More fuel with same amount of air will give you a colder combustion so less heat = less Hp.
If you have more air (IE force induction) you will have the correct module to modify the A/F ratio and you will not be fooling the IAT because you need it to read correctly.
So bring more info about that "wonderfull" thing.
2.3 Ho
well i havn't driven the 2.2 eco b4, but i have driven a 2001 civic with a 1.8 vtec and the accel was amazing...the eco kinda like the vtec in terms or accel?
no @!#$ thats why u put more air into the motor. the power gain is not much but the throttle response is way better then stock. I will get dyno prof.
Fooling you IAT that it's -6 outside is going to fool the engine into dumping more fuel into it. Sooo, your not putting more air in. You would have to fool your engine thats it's 190 outside. But then your gonna be running lean so it's pointless.
Please get dyno proof. In 5 years I've seen many people like you but no dyno proof.
Please people, lets not turn this into a 2.4 vs ECO match.
Here is the thing, it's really up to you. The are just about equal and have the same
amount of potential.
Me personally, I would lean torwards the 2003 cause 1. Less miles, 2. newer motor as to the 2.4 which is compared to the ecotec "older technology", 3. GM is really supporting this motor as far as parts available and the supercharger kit soon to be released.
On the other hand, I prefer the older body styles of the cavalier (95-2002) than the newer styles (2003+)
That's my opinion, not because I have an ECOTEC motor but because that's my general view of either motors. / 732-742-8837
get an 02 with an eco. I've driven both. an 03 4 speed with the eco and my 02 Z24 4 speed. Both were 4 doors and mine is fully equiped while the other was not. The eco lost my vote. It didn't SEEM as fast and it wasn't as fun to drive.
2.3 Ho
that is why u put more air and fuel into your motor , not just one .U dont have to fool a sensor to put more air in your motor.
Speaking of fools
Exactly HOW did you put more air in the engine?
<a href=""><img src=""></a>
I used a supercharger to fool my engine...
Go With the 2200
I did
>>>> SPONSERED BY: Cavalier Extreme <<<<
Better yet, change your 2.4 for a 1L from a Geo. That thing take air like no other engines
2.3 Ho
go eco for the insurance purpuse, thats if you cant hang with displacement.....
I think the 2.4l is a great motor it just needed a better head on it. its all an insurance scam so you deside
Pfft... get a 95, and put a 2.3 HO or W41 in it
Import Killer wrote:well i havn't driven the 2.2 eco b4, but i have driven a 2001 civic with a 1.8 vtec and the accel was amazing...the eco kinda like the vtec in terms or accel?
Lets see.
No comparrison.
And back on topic, whichever bodystyle you like better. 10hp is not mutch. Add an intake to the eco. Depends on what you like. I perferr the 03+ front, others like 02-. Get what you want.
1971 camaro 427 --- here!
Stock... and loving every minute of it.