Does anyone have directions for a auto tran interceptor. If so will you send them to me... Thanks
Yeah.. it's really simple. Unplug big wire from front of transmission (near the fan)... plug Interceptor into the transmission plug, and then into the transmission. The plugs are keyed so you can't even plug them in unless you have it turned the right way.
There isn't really a way to screw it up..
which was good news for me when I installed mine... oh... so... long... ago....
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What does this part do exactly? I have been eying it for awhile, but I'm not really to educated in the performance area...
it increases line pressure, thus making the tranny shift faster(thats basiclly it i think?)... it doesnt make the car deadly fast but it def helps...
Now Blazing: Northern Lights
Does this work on cars with automatic transmission?
^^ Yea thats what its for......
Car is for Sale!Supercharger kit is for sale!
It ONLY works on 4-speed (electronic) auto transmissions. It will not work on vacuum controlled (3 speed) transmissions. Nor will it work on 5 speeds...
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