Ok I did a search and nothing camr up on this. My question is , Has any ony had any problems with their reverse lamps quitting? Mine started going on the fritz about a year ago and now they won't work at all. I used to be able to wiggle the shifter a little and they would come on but now that doesn't even work, so i'm assuming that the switch that activates them when you pull the shifter into reverse has went bad. By the way my car is a 5spd, also does any one know about how much this will cost to fix..???
Replace the back up switch
switch is in the console on the shifter, take the console out and u will see it
KevinP (Stabby McShankyou) wrote:
and I'm NOT a pedo. everyone knows i've got a wheelchair fetish.
cool, Thanks man, you wouldn't know how much they run price wise would ya..?
Unless the transmission on the older cavs is set up totaly different which is possible since it is from a different manufacturer then it should be locted on the back side on the tranny just below the shifter linkage. Thats where it is on the newer cars but I'm not 100% sure on your car.
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
CarbonCav (Mavrik24) wrote:cool, Thanks man, you wouldn't know how much they run price wise would ya..?
The back-up lamp switch is $17.99 at autozone.
Also that switch is located on the top of the transaxle at the driver's end.
Usualy around $20.00
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
CarbonCav (Mavrik24) wrote:Ok I did a search and nothing camr up on this. My question is , Has any ony had any problems with their reverse lamps quitting? Mine started going on the fritz about a year ago and now they won't work at all. I used to be able to wiggle the shifter a little and they would come on but now that doesn't even work, so i'm assuming that the switch that activates them when you pull the shifter into reverse has went bad. By the way my car is a 5spd, also does any one know about how much this will cost to fix..???
I notice ealier tonight that my 03 is having the same problem. Although it still works for now.
related question...i have really dark tints in my back windsheild, and didnt anticipate illumination at night. any way to get brighter back-up bulbs?
this useless post brought to you by the alcoholic known as LUNDiS
I know they sell bighter bulbs for #1156, so I'm pretty sure they sell them for our cars. I'll check up on it when I go back to work.
Thanks for all the info guys sorry I havent responed been offline for awhile, having money troubles and all that good stuff, So i can get one of the swithches at the local parts store, thats cool, And ya say its next to the shifter linkage on the tansaxle ,drivers side..??
chris mine just started to do the samething

...... here we go again.... more light problems and its a 2002... i already had the drivers side brake light issue a while back....
Mine started it about a year ago,, and gradually got worse.Like i said there for a while I could just wiggle the shifter a little and they would come on but now that doesn't even work,. Not that it that big a deal but I just like for all my stuff to work properly... I may just have it fixed the next time I take the car in, Those guys up at the dealership usually do me right anyway when I go up there..
i have 98 automatic and mine dont work either. replaced the bulbs checked fuses and everything. so im guessing i should give the reverse light switch a try. where is that located with an automatic transmission??
Now mine is not working at all.
join the club...i have 30% tint on my back window so they dont help much anyway but yeah i would like mine to work on my 5spd '03 but ohh well guess they wont know im coming when i creep in reverse now...lmao
Your is an 03 and they already quit..?? Damn maybe we should bug Gm about a recall or something..
Yeah mines is an 03 also and not working. I'm surprised it's not a recall.
Next time I go in the dealership I'm gonna hit them up about the problem and see if they have had anyone else come in complaining about it.
I'm off tomorrow from work so if I have time I'm going to try to go to the dearlership also.
can anyone help me out with this. i have a 98 automatic and my reverse lights dont work either.
How you checked the bulbs or the fuse yet?
yeah i checked the fuse and bulbs already