QUESTION - Third Generation Forum
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why would one want to use 2.3 HO intake manifold on a 2.4 or do the 2.3 HO oil pump conversion ??? sorry if this is a dumb question
very simple...the 2.3 quad had a BETTER intake than the 2.4 by swaping the intake you get better air flow which leads to more power..more power means more far as the oil pump it is because the 2.4 oil pump cuts off at like 5500 rpm..or something like that..maybe someone else knows exactly , but the 2.3 pump does not

.... kinda sounds like one engine is superior to the other huh
"Freedom 'ought to have its limits"-George W. Bush may 31 1999 (who voted for this idiot?)
the 2.3 oil pump doesn't cut even at 7500rpm. Way lighter too.
The thing is, bigger displacement doesn't mean better flowing parts.
The 2.3 Ho had 180hp and 160lbs of torque. The 2.4 is 150-150. Kinda lame for .1 displacement over the 2.3 right? but Gm didn't make the 2.4 for racing like the Ho. The Ho engine was more of a race engine and had more power from factory with better flowing parts.
2.3 Ho
god bless our 2.3s gilles

...oh and if you read this again just wondering if you know if a w41 ecu will run a HO engine without trouble...cus i know it work properly the other way around. if that made any sense
"Freedom 'ought to have its limits"-George W. Bush may 31 1999 (who voted for this idiot?)
so then would the 1991 and 92 W-41: (vin A) 190hp 160 ft lbs torque.
be the best engine to put in our cav, and if so how much extra work is it to transplant that into my 97 2.2 what other stuff do i need to change what tranny goes with it, is there any thing in the vin that i can see on the block to make sure it is a w41
also would th e w-41 benifit from the 2.3 ho exhaust, intake or oil pump ect if so what works better on what ??? the same way you could say b20 vs the b2 and ther changing parts which would be the best place to start from the w-41 or the 2.3 ho
The W41 ecm can run an Ho engine. I know, I run my Ho with an SCX ecm.
the other way around doesn't work too well tough. It may for some but I've heard alot of people having problem running W41 cams with the Ho ecm. Even my friend got problem.
To swap the Ho/W41 engine in a 97 2.2 cav, you need everything. Wiring, engine, tranny, mount, exhaust.
The W41 won't gain anything with the Ho oil pump, I manifold and E manifold. The W41 is an Ho with wilder cam with the same manifold as the ho and the same oil pump. They are both 2.3L.
As for the VIN, the Ho and W41 have the same code, A. Some 91 442 may have the W41. You have to check the IDI cover or check the VIN at a Gm dealership.
92-93 would be the SCX.
2.3 Ho
where would it be easiest to get then a 2.3 HO and tranny form what car ot of what car or place
youll get a HO engine from a (most common) 90-94 grand am ..achieva...calais and beretta gtz the 92-93 achieva scx and calais had the w41 if im not mistaken...but heres the ticker so listen up...since your gonna have to go thru all this to do the swap MAKE SURE you get a 93-94 tranny...they have the best gear ratios and most importantly have TWO mounts...where as the earlier ones only had one( which will lead to problems) as far as the engines go any will work...but youll like the w41 best
as far as finding one try and if you really want a good one or just upgrade parts go to
and thanks alot gilles i was kinda weary about putting my w41 chip in my ecu before i added the cams...guess ill jackerup and see how she runs thanks
"Freedom 'ought to have its limits"-George W. Bush may 31 1999 (who voted for this idiot?)
how come you are not going with a w-41 ???
because a w41 engine is MUCH harder to find than an HO engine...but the only differnce is the cams..which i have just aquired

.. i am also stroking my HO so in a way...mine is the same ,or better
"Freedom 'ought to have its limits"-George W. Bush may 31 1999 (who voted for this idiot?)
i got a questions for you guys what is the advantage to staing with teh 2.3 block, the 2.4 block although heavier 110 ponds vs 93, but i believe the cooling in this bloock was better fatter main webbings, and oiling system was betterexcept for the pump but would an after market pump no make up the different, ?? also the 2.4 block as a longer strock rods and deeper head bolts, also the crank is lighter by like 5 pounds, the intake and the exhaust ports, i carzy huge on older 2.3 i think 89-92 or 93, whis the 2.3 head can take on the 24 block, and a set of overdirve pulles would also help, now i know with the 2.3 i will have to use the comp/pcm is that because of the head or the cams or both?? in this case cause for other cars you do not have to do that all the time casue although the 2.4 has cams with a tiny .375 lift after market are available that do a .410lift, and i will have to pls with the ignition set up, would this not be a bit easier???? again i am new with demostics so pls educate, also i know that with the 24 block with a 2.3 head can cause compressions issues (to high) so proper pistons must be used what pistons whoud you suggest for that just a quick question let me kow what you all think any suggestions, and i am a bit weary of going to a obdI FROM MY 97 2.2 just cause ppl say th wireing is tricky, if you all have a done a this could you give me some pointers for the wireing aswell
got a questions for you guys what is the advantage to staing with teh 2.3 block, the 2.4 block although heavier 110 ponds vs 93, but i believe the cooling in this bloock was better fatter main webbings, and oiling system was betterexcept for the pump but would an after market pump no make up the different, ?? also the 2.4 block as a longer strock rods and deeper head bolts
ok heres you answer..the 2.3 block is much more rev happy, meaning i can rev higher.
u say the 2.4 has a longer stroke..but did you know that a 2.4 crank and rods will fit in a 2.3 block? this is called a "stroker" combine this crank with strong light internals and you have a veryyyy strong as far as the coolant lines they have never really been an issue for those of us that keep our engines cool ....personally ive never really been a fan of the 2.4 it just seems that for every part that was improved on something else was done to make it worse
...i hope i helped and if i missed anything i hope someone helps me out
"Freedom 'ought to have its limits"-George W. Bush may 31 1999 (who voted for this idiot?)
well yes i know the crank fit i believe it makes it in a 2.5 basically, ok i got the 2.3 block is the sh%&^t so now what the 2.3 ho and th w41 are the basically the same right ?? just different head and cams higer ligt i got that to, no my car is a obd II now to chnage to a lets say 92 2.3 ho with a 39-49 tranny, in terms of wireing what will i need to do, does anyone have a diagram for the wireing of this, also i beleive my 97 axels would work right, ??? also but just for me cause i cant seem to locate a block, buy could we have some of the 2.4 with 2.3 head guys tell me what you think or what would you do if you had a choice, stick with your 2.4 or take a 2.3 then also as i am putting this into my 97 what would be the best, let em know let hear what you all got ??? oh yha i almost forgot,the 2.4 balancing shafts wighed nearly 20 ponds and cost about 15-20 hp i know it is not easy but van be done just need a good machine shop
i meant 93-94 tranny i am at work on a 12 hour shift after parting all night i am a bit out of it
ok...i forgot what engine you had in your car..i thought you had a 2.4 but i got it as i do not know THAT much about the tranny in your car, or how the mounts will need to be changed maybe it will help you to know that the mounts AND the wiring for the 93-94 tranny are the same as a the one that comes with the 95-99 z24 maybe that will help you with a refernce....and ive also heard that when changing your ecu
( dont quote me on this) that it is better to use the ecu from the 95 z24 ..something about the wiring being correct and still being able to use your stock dash gauges and such....but your gonna have to compare yours to the z24 first like i said i dont know as much about your drivetrain and computer as i do the quad/ twincam but the one thing i will say...if your gonna invest all this into your car( and im sure youve heard it before) id break the engine apart first or have it built before you put it in...itll save you trouble later and youll like it alot more
"Freedom 'ought to have its limits"-George W. Bush may 31 1999 (who voted for this idiot?)
fore sure i mean when i get the block it is being stripped down and rebuit cause i know i will never have a better chance to do it, also that is what i would love to know what you all used or would want to use for your innternals, what bearings,pistons rockers, rods, ect ect, i know no the 95 is a obd ! i know and i think i can wire not to hard my boy can pretty much wire anything as long as we have both diagrams, but i was under the impression that if i use the 2.3 hohead i need to use the 2.3 com and chip or if i get luck and find the w41 then the 2.3 comp will no work at all with it and as for the mounts not that big of a deal to fab if i need to but the 93-94 tranny again as far as i have read has the best gear ratio ??? if possible does any know what the gear ratios are for the 93-94 getrag and is this tranny adjustable ???
the 93-94 FDR is 3.94 if im not mistaken and if you look HARD enough you can get a LSD for that far as whats best to put into much money you got lol...if you interested in some w41 cams you can get them new for about 350 at ...josh is great to deal with. he got me a great head
086 head PnP with SS valves and titanium retainers with w41 cams .. i just cant wait to install it lol far as internals i went with a 2.4 crank and eagle rods with custum forged pistons for the .030 overbore on the block ....but thats MY may not want to invest that much
"Freedom 'ought to have its limits"-George W. Bush may 31 1999 (who voted for this idiot?)
"086 head PnP with SS valves and titanium retainers with w41 cams .. i just cant wait to install it lol far as internals i went with a 2.4 crank and eagle rods with custum forged pistons for the .030 overbore on the block"
what was the cost in this, and iwhat do you mean bt 086 head pnp ?? i know this may be a stupid question but what ever
also if i got the crank undersized what differents would that make, in terms of capacity either 0.0005, 0.001, and 0.010 , th reason i keep bringing upi the 2.4 block is that is is going to be easier for me to find,
i know this would be out of nowhere but how would you rate the 2.3. ho engine, against the 2.0 ss engine out of the cobolt, or the 03 up 2,2 ecotech ???
Mind if I chime in???
To swap a 2.3 5sp from a 95 into a 97 2.2 3sp auto, I'd need the engine, tranny, pedals, linkage, and mounts.......anything else, like ecu, wiring harness, etc?
what was the cost in this, and iwhat do you mean bt 086 head pnp ??
ok first let me adress some of these questions..
PnP means Port and Polished..086 is the last 3 digits of the casting number of the best flowing head of all the quad/twin cam engines and are easy to come by on ebay.. SS is ofcourse Stainless Steal ...
now as far as undersizing im not sure what you mean..maybe gilles can shed some light on that...
now as far as comparing the HO to other engines.. i really dont think the 2.2 compares to the HO in their stock builds and as far as the cobalt ss 2.0 well...thats a supercharged engine..if you supcharge your HO im sure itll be more than comparable ...i havnt raced one yet but im hoping to out run one with my N/A quad once its in my car adressing the swap...first u dont want to swap a 95 quad into ANYTHING...its the wrong year quad...second...if you have a 2.2 and its an auto youll need EVERYTHING.. engine tranny ecu wiring master and slave cylinders ..linkage..mounts..quite a bit of fabing..itll be quite a might be able to find a run down 95 z24 witha blow engine for cheap and make this MUCH easier to do......* breath* wow i gotta answer you guys faster or the questions rack up lol
"Freedom 'ought to have its limits"-George W. Bush may 31 1999 (who voted for this idiot?)
by the the tank

"Freedom 'ought to have its limits"-George W. Bush may 31 1999 (who voted for this idiot?)
no my 2.2 is 5spd, so i am hoping tha will make it a bit easier, the 92 ho or w42 is what i want, i am liking the idea of a stroker if i use the 2.4 crank, what trannies can i match up with this block ??? i know the 93 -94 would be the best but would anyother work, the 086 heads is there a particular year those cam off or just 90-94 quad gm motors ???? how much are they on ebay and have guys got them in good condition ??? so houes you all like the 2.3 block ov er the 2.4? looking for opinons ??? i have looked on ebay for the 2.3 block and been calling around i can not seem to locate one
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