Wasnt sure where to put this, but maybe u 3rd gen guys will know, or have had the same problem. Its hard to explain but ill try. I think GM tried to screw me over but yea here goes... When i bought my car (a 2002 cavy ls) i noticed there is a rattle that happens in first and second gear, occasionally third, its quick and only happens in the beginning of the gear, its the way the rpms are that causes it, doesnt do it all the time. A friend of mine thought it could be the heat shield, so i wasnt to worried and ignored it for 6 months or so.. After i had my exhaust put on i was more, concious of my cars sound and thought that rattle, sometimes loud, was bad sounding, so i brought it into a trusted local mechanic to get it checked out. They said the front flex pipe in the catalytic converter had deteriorated and that was what was causing the rattle. Because it was an expensive fixe and should still be covered under GMs converter warranty up to 80,000 or 100,000 miles (my car only has 25,000) i brought it to a Chevy Dealership for a second opinion. Now heres where the bull@!#$ting comes in. They told me the converter was perfectly fine (then how did the other palce find that it had deteriorated?) they blamed the whole rattle on an aftermarket part, the dual exhaust. THey told me the right muffler (not the muffler on 'stock' side) was causing the rattle because it was hitting the body (which its not, its very tight). I asked them how i could hear that rattle 6 months before the exhaust was on and they told me that its on stock hangers which is why i would have heard it before (even tho if there was stock hangers there, which there wasnt, how could the make any sound?) They said cavalier z24s come with a dual exhaust option which is why theres hangers for them on my car. Im like WTF... cavaliers DO NOT come with a dual exhaust, sunfires do, but not cavys! and it doesnt even have stock hangers on there, they came with my magnaflows. I know my car better then a chevy dealership? is that right?... any thoughts on this... maybe suggestions... i just think they wanted to save money and blame it on aftermarket parts rather then replace something under warranty..... i think thats all im realllly ticked about this.
i have that exact noise. does it happen also when ur in the low rpm in 1st and 2nd aswell?
that is only when it happens, like when i first step on the gas after its in gear, mostly in first gear and second gear, very occasionally third gear but not as often cuz the rpms arent as high. it happens most when i downshift into second to take a turn, and if the turn is slightly up hill, its the loudest then. deffinatly not an exhaust ratteling, more of a loud vibration rattle kinda. doesnt last long either.
Yeah, dealerships (I work at one) frown on aftermarket parts very much. Where he was coming from with the dual exhaust thing is because of the Sunfire GT's (like you said), and since they're basically the same he's trying to use that against you, which isn't cool. A lot of dealerships will try anything to save money, you know how it goes, especially when it comes to warranty. That's when the loop holes get jumped through.
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It could be that god awful noise that the getrag transmission makes that GM replies to as a normal harmonic noise and that there is no fix for it.
man if it is that same sound that sux because i want it to go away!! o-well....
There is a bulletin for that noise, they replace the fluid with saturn tranny fluid.
can someone post that bulletin, mine does it all the time
if they want to be asses about it. put the old exhaust back on and drive the car up to the dealer ship. then put it back on when your done. if its something bad then a few hours gettin showin em that it wasnt the exhaust, just might save you more money in the long run.
yea but i dont have my stock exhaust anymore and that would be too much of a pain, im just gunna deal with it until i bring my car for expection back to the exhaust place (that put it on) and see what they see other then that, than im not gunna worry about it
IF you want some results from the dealership, them contact GM Chev service dept.
The contact info is in your owners manual
This rattles the cages because this looks bad to GM about the dealer and service dept..
The disctrict service reps get these complaints and have to follow up on them
Good luck
Yeah... mine rattles too. i need a new cat anyways, so I'll be replacing the ENTIRE exhaust system, should fix it.
Here is the bulletin straight from GM.
Grinding/Rattle Type Noise Coming From Transmission (Diagnose and Perform Repair) #02-07-29-001 - (Jan 28, 2002)
Grinding/Rattle Type Noise Coming From Transmission (Diagnose and Perform Repair)
2000-02 Chevrolet Cavalier
2001-02 Oldsmobile Alero
2000-02 Pontiac Sunfire
2001-02 Pontiac Grand Am
with Manual Transmission (RPO M86 or M94)
Some customers may comment on a grinding or rattle type noise coming from the transmission. The noise usually occurs with the transmission in first or second gear at low RPMs and can be intermittent.
This condition may be originated by the natural harmonics of the engine that leads to a vibration in the transmission.
There are two separate noises. Follow the diagnostic procedures listed below to determine which noise the vehicle has and perform the outlined repair. If you are comparing like vehicles, you must compare vehicles with the same motor and similar mileage.
Diagnosis for Noise #1
This is a very distinct noise that is usually much louder than the second noise that can be associated with this transmission. If the vehicle is not making any noise when trying to verify the condition, it can be induced by making several tight left hand circles with the vehicle at normal operating temperature. Making a sharp right hand turn will usually stop the noise. While the noise is occurring, in order to distinguish between the two noises, you can press lightly on the clutch pedal without releasing the clutch and the noise will NOT go away or change. As a second diagnostic aid, while the vehicle is making the noise, shift to third gear and the noise will stop. If the noise is determined to be this type, perform the repair for noise #1.
Repair for Noise #1
Replace the transmission fluid with Saturn Manual Transmission Lubricant, P/N 21018899. Overfill to a capacity of 2.4L (2.6 qts). A possible side effect of this repair may be a higher shift effort.
Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to Lifting and Jacking the Vehicle in the General Information sub-section of the appropriate Service Manual.
Place a suitable container under the transmission assembly.
Remove the drain plug located on the bottom of the transmission and completely drain the fluid.
Re-install the drain plug.
Tighten the drain plug to 38N·m (28 lb ft).
Lower the vehicle.
Remove the fill plug located on the top/middle of transmission on the driver side, near the red vent cap. If you use the check level plug on the side of the transmission, you will not be able to overfill the transmission.
Important: Fill the transmission to the amount specified. Too much lubricant will cause the fluid to leak from the vent. Not enough fluid will defeat the purpose of this bulletin.
Fill the transmission with 2.4L (2.6 qts) of Saturn Manual Transmission Lubricant P/N 21018899. DO NOT USE THE RED VENT CAP TO FILL.
Re-install the fill plug.
Tighten the fill plug to 38 N·m(28 lb ft).
Diagnosis for Noise #2
This noise, commonly referred to as gear rattle, can be induced by lugging the engine in any gear, but is usually most noticeable in first or second gear. While the noise is occurring, if you press lightly on the clutch pedal without releasing the clutch, the noise will be reduced or eliminated.
Repair for Noise #2
Do not attempt to repair this noise. This is a characteristic of the vehicle and any vehicle equipped with a manual transmission can be made to make a similar noise. Driving at slightly higher engine RPM levels will reduce this noise.
u kno, if im certain, i think i get that rattle as will, but my car's not a manual nor a 2000+ model(99 yr./auto) the rattle comes on around 20-30mph, possibly 2nd gear onto 3rd gear depending on whether i let it cruise and step lightly to keep goin up. the rattling appears to be coming from the tranny on my side. im gonna go get a tranny flush and see if that'll work. but unless someone posts a sound of the rattle, i think i have that problem too on my 99 auto. maybe im wrong, but i still get a rattling noise
Having a Z is close enough to having an import.....
zsquee24 , that is very informative sounds like thats prolly the problem. i think ill see if i can get that taken care of now. thanks a bunch.
No prob. Perks of working at a Chevrolet dealership.
Don't bother with the saturn fluid. It makes shifting more difficult than it already is. Use the B & M Synthetic ATF, about 2 - 2.5 quarts, and it will be just fine. The noise will be a lot less, and it shifts like a car is supposed to.
ahhh i was concerned about that problem the other day, glad to know thats the culprit.