Do ALL cavaliers 1995 and newer have pass lock? I have a 1995 cav. and it seems there is no pass lock system. I dont know if im just missing something? I have no security light on the gauges or anything and when i had my dash all out I never saw any kinda of secutriy box of anything. Is it possible my car does not have pass lock? cause my alarm install manual says all 95 and new cav's / fires have pass lock.
ok..maybe im dumb or maybe its just cus i have a 95 too but i dont know what a "pass lock" is ...i have an alpine security system in my car...(aftermarket) and no mine didnt come with one i dont think theres a security light..and no theres no way i believe theres ANY kinda security system with the car....but..when i put my system in i had to get some kind of adapter to wire in with the not really sure what it was called sorry but i got it installed at circuit city, maybe i shoulda wrote it down...hopefully someone else will know what its called
"Freedom 'ought to have its limits"-George W. Bush may 31 1999 (who voted for this idiot?)
Unlplug your gauge cluster and if the car doesnt start then you have Passlock.
is passlock this peice of &%^% i have on mine....little blinking light.....under steering....wat a peice of sh!t....turns on when it feels like it....and i fiddle with it for like an hour cause i lost the damn remote......
you scratch my ride IMA EAT YO CHILDREN
passlock does not have a blinking light..or a remote
yeah i think i have an aftermarket peice of sh!t...........gonna rip it out one of these days
you scratch my ride IMA EAT YO CHILDREN
95 = no passlock.
96+ Passlock (one, not two) is standard on all J-cars.
95 = no passlock??? wooooooo
But I thought it was called theft mode, isn't passlock the security thing on stock stereos?