Ok on my g/f's car. Her cooling fan will not come on. The relay is fine. I put a new one in and same problem. If I make a jumper and and cross the relay pins then the fan will come on. But just using a relay it doesn't work.
If I unplug the sending unit for temp. The temp hand in the car drops all the way down and the fan will come on. But when it's plugged up the temp gauge works fine and the fan will not come on.
Any idea's what it could be?
Thanks in advance
wont get much of an answer here, a sunfire is a 3rd gen.
is the car overheating??? if not, dont worry about it.. when you unplugg the temp sensor, the ecm thinks the car is at the maxx temp of the sender, so it turns the fan on.
just try splicing the positive wire for the fan onto a switch. have a wire ran from the battery to that switch. turn it on when it gets warm, and turn it off. easy cheap fix.
probably the temp sending unit gone bad.
but next time, post in maintance or 3rd gen.
Sorry about posting in here. Been a LONG time since i've had a J-body. I killed my 89 cavalier.
But I'm going to work on her car this weekend. Just wondered if anyone had some idea's. I'm going to replace the sending unit. Maybe that will take care of it.
Thanks guys
theres a post similar to this one though. read a few post, his problem was with in the ECM.