ppl i just got a 95 2.3 auto i know that it is an obd !! i want to make it a manuel cause i thought i could livve with an auto but i cant, so coult i just use a 96-99 z24 tranny and what not or would i have to us another tranny,
next my question related to the 2.3 i have a new head and i was just figured i would change the cams, what cams would you suggest, cause i dont think i can use the w-41 as i think it might not work with the obd II let know , and if no w41 then what can i use
ok as far as the tranny goes..yes the isuzu 95-99 tranny will work..BUT i suggest getting a getrag instead ... but before you start this PORJECT i really hope youve looked into selling your auto and getting a manuel.itll be ALOT easier(just a suggestion)
"Freedom 'ought to have its limits"-George W. Bush may 31 1999 (who voted for this idiot?)
i just got the auto i have a manuel i am buildign, what about the head if i go witht he w41 cams or what cams can i use will i have any ecu troubles
but whaping a tranny anit tha hard i good a goo machnic, fast and charges me very decent prices, as long as my ass is in there helping and getting dirty
If you keep it OBD2, you're stock with the 95 intake cam and whatever exhaust cam you want.
If it's OBD1, go for a set of W41 cams.
2.3 Ho
no it is the obd II i have a 95 auto i am pretyy sure it is an ob II is there any way to doule check ???? and what would bb your suggestion for the cams can i use any other intake came to make a real difference, and what would be the best match for the exhust cam ,
scott / gilles ???
if your gonna go thru the trouble of swaping trannies it shouldnt be any trouble at all to wire upa a OBD1 ecm from the a manuel 95 so that you can upgrade your cams to HO ones...if you go HO itll run off the stock OBD1 ecm..if you go w41 youll need to chip it
"Freedom 'ought to have its limits"-George W. Bush may 31 1999 (who voted for this idiot?)
like Scott said.
If you want a bigger intake cam, you'll have to modify one. IE take an Ho can and have the cam sensor lobe machined on the cam.
You would have to go with the pre-95 PS pump.
2.3 Ho