ok here is the deal project "betty" is on hold, apperently the guy who sold me the car said the motor was rebuilt, but eeeeeeennnnnnnnnn!!!!!(the was a buzzer sound) that was wrong or the rebuild was done by a blind mute one handed gimp. bottom end blown, fu#$#$% hell nothing works out, so the the 2.3 ho block i have now has to be used, for the red and black winter beater in my reg, i have a 2.3 head port and polish not 086 but it was free just the same(free is good), there is my new engine, but before i drop the block in wondering if there is anything i can do minor things, to the block what would be suggested where can i get and how much i figure if i am going to put a new bloxk in there i might aswell do a little work to it, future plans it is a cruse car, it is an auto might drop a little turbo on it later !! but that about all, if any one has a 086 head stting around let me know, but what little things can i do, oh aswell the swap is costing me about $650 cdn, let me know any help would be very appriciated, i have to get this done pretty much within the next week, i also live around toronto, so any shops you guys know you can help me out let me know , but the thing that pissed me off i bought the car from a org member i really hope, once i pull the block out i can find some evidence that it was rebuilt, cause really man everybody on here it usally wicked, make wicked deals and alwasy try to help each other out, and i would hate to think i have to be suspect of everyone i deal with,. i hope i am wrong and it was rebuilt and it was just bad luck but still

i dont think i should i have trouble with the trany and the block though should mate right up
oh yha there is a guy selling out of a 90 gtz coup the motor and tranny for about $500 what you think good no good, the dude is parting out the car question, th 90 tranyy has 1 or 2 mounts, i think 1, but let me know it is in the regional fourm canadian mid east region
here is the link
Im going to have to say that the easiest swap is from a 93-94....... anything older, and the mounting is going to be a PITA....
'02 Z24 420whp
'04 GTO 305whp
W41 BOI -
'78 Buick Opel Isuzu W41 Swap
the engine mounts, ?? which in particular
the passenger top mount is not a problem since the 90-91 block hav ehte holes for the mount. The 90-91 engine had a front mount but you don't have to use it IF you use the side mount. The tranny only has 1 mount on the 90-91.
2.3 Ho
but i have a95 4spd auto will the block mate with it properly ???
cool things i was thinking about addine, where can i get on short notice, felpro headgasket, apr headbolts, a set of pullies, new connecting rods and pistons(in the furtur i am not going real power maybe a little turbo 6-8psi,) and a new set a clevite bearings, full set or which recomended , for a mild botom end rebuild cheap but high quality is needed
I'll get back to you tomorrow. Check my reg. I'll have a list of price and parts for you.
2.3 Ho
i think i got a 92 442 engine tranny computer minus the head, i think good find, but i am not sure of there year how can i check, aswell, my 95 2.3 L.O. can i use the wireing and comp or do i have to change the comp, i have the cam towers and the cams, i wanted to use them aswell, i really need a 085 head i dont want to have to use my L.O. head with this motor, but if a have to i will keep the cam and switch it all at once later, , for the bottom end what do you guys think bore it out0.04 new pistons connecting rods, and bearings, what crank work can i get down ??? also if you all can five me a estimate in price, what you think it could cost, also josh works at trs, can he do the machining and and install the pistons, and what not, i am going to send him an email aswell but dont know how long it will take to have him get back to me the computer i have has 3 plugs in the back !!
ok from jbp i am getting sealed power piston rings set $162 pistons, $52 each, clivet main bearings $102 rod bearings $84(now i might not need the bearing i am taking them the block the will take a look at it, for me) now i am debating the rods they have a set of h-beam egal rods, $399 as for a bottom end, that it i think they said thei will clean up the crank abit aswell, $500 for the prep to block machining, and install what you all thing good price ??? also any issues with jbp first time i am dealing with them let me know, or if yo uhave a hook up over there let me know aswell, i am going to go with stock headgasget for now will get a fellpro later when i trak down a 086 head so i can use my H.O. CAMS aswell, any help on finding parts would be nice, or places to get this stuff done.
can anything be ordered through gmpreformace catalog
a set of h-beam egal rods, $399
i think TRS still has those for 325...ithink
CNC motorsport have the rods for 310$
2.3 Ho
ok so this is waht has happened! i have stuck witht eh h.o. rebuild block everone said it should be fine , (thank you bagefire) i have a head i got with the car when i bought it, it was from RSM port and polish all new parts casting # 24575456 i know it is not the 086 head but for free i will take it and better then stock, full headgasket set from felpro, and new headbolts from felpro, new water pump, (thermostat if you care to know) and the ho intake and tb, i order polly urithane lower engine mount and upper insert from apluspreformance and the group rate, (thank you jason) now i have the cams and cam towers, i am not sure if they are from a just an h.o. or a w41, as best as bagefire can recall, the motor came from a 92 442, i have the computer hear on my desk i am going to put it in with the cams, it has 2 big plug on the back a long black one, thats seems to be split in 2 parts aswell the yellow plug, the number on the sticker on top are as followes,
SERV. NO. 01228707 ANMS
865213 M911773007
16125213 ANMS
YHA O KNOW I REALY NEED A DIGI CAMERA well maybe you all can help me out, i am goin to clean up the cams and towers, and drop them off they are going to start on monday

but hopefully be done by tuesday night or wensday
also the exhaust mani is there any difference from the ho to the lo ???
ok th emototr is back together and just have to drop it in, should run smoth now, i was wondering, i know you said the i cant use the ho cams with an auto the idel will be to low, and the car will stall, but i wonder is that thonly thin, could i not just set the idel i bit higher so it does not cut off ???
It will be really hard on the tranny. You'll also get an High idle code.
Use you 95 intake cam and the Ho exhaust cam. You'll still have a nice gain. How much? I don't know.
2.3 Ho
well i left he ho cam out for now, i wnated to check that first, might chnage it later, i hope what i did will make a difference, i have the pnp head ho intake and tb ho exhust mani, fresh rebuilt bottom end, poly engine upper insert and lower mount ii have an intake and a cat back, got a rebilt tranny but it was out in the rain for like a year so i have to see if i can fike it, but it will stay auto for now, is there anythin elsei can do to it i am think about changing th pullies not sure where to get for a 2.3, might get e header from trs if i can save up for it