I did a search and looked and couldn't really find anything. I found some results that explained some mileage loss. It helped a bit but to much. So i'm going to ask here.
I have a 2000 2.2 cavy. I have an aftermarket muffler and Magnaflow Hi-Flow cat along wtih a Short Ram intake. I am getting anywhere from 200-240 miles to a tank. I know my car can do better. I don't ride it or haul ass everywhere. Just on occasion when i'm almost late going somewhere.
It has new plugs and plug wires. New fuel filter. I'm guessing it was my stupid muffler that I put on after I got the car. What would you all suggest?
I do oil changes every 3k miles. I have a new head gasket.
that fart can on the car- Horrible for gas mileage. no back pressure - no good mileage...
The chemicals they put in gas for the winter is killing my gas milage!
Ban low-performance cars, not high-performance ones.
SO, get rid of my fart cannon? WOuld you suggest OEM or a different brand/type? I like it being as loud as it is.
accelerate very very slowly and never drive over 55 and your gas mileage will rock. I have been doing this lately because me and my wife both got laid off.... kinda sad but it is effin amazing how much better it is. I would say I go 0-55 in about 30 seconds.
Lately, I have had no reason to go above 45....so I haven't. I accelerate a little bit quicker on occasion. But not all the time. I've been trying to not drive so quick and rhomp on the gas pedal. Amazingly, I havne't. I've been quite a good drive these past two weeks.Right now, i'm at half a tank, and i'm just at or a few miles about 100 miles.
Johnathon Broda wrote:that fart can on the car- Horrible for gas mileage. no back pressure - no good mileage...
I have got to agree. Get rid of the fart can. You should be at about 200 miles right now if you are at about a half a tank. By what you are saying, you are only getting about 15.78 miles per gallon. Really bad!! The engine needs a certain amount of back pressure. Sounds like you just don't have enough. Your exhaust is too free flowing.
98 Z24
RIP Specks
omg this thread is dripping with misinformation.....................................
therefore i stay away!
ok, back pressure is needed on a car or else you have gotten horrible gas mileage. without back pressure, the engine is supplying more fuel into it and not re-using any as its got no pressure to keep it in. so when you see cars with a "performance muffler" they usually blow black snoke. this is why. also because there is no insulation to hold back all the soute that an oem will hold.
now for the performance mufflers. yes they add a "BIT" of performance but if you are looking for good gas mileage thats is not the route to go.
when i took off my farts cans and put the oems back on my gas mileage increased by about 30% which was quite amazing.
now another reason gas mileage is bad for a performance muffler is the fact that when you have one. you are always flooring it to hear the car LOUD so this in turn burns more fuel. same would happen on OEM mufflers but you never floor it like you do with loud mufflers.
hope this helps some that dont get it.
Where can I get a good price on an OEM muffler? I know it sounds stupid, but it's rediculous at the mileage I get. WOuld you suggest going back to OEM or getting an OEM style muffler and now the round muffler like I got?
when i had the stock muffler and cat on my car i could only get 240 to a tank on normal driveing then when winter got here im geting now like 189 to tank then i got the new muffler on and its high flow car from magnaflow 2.25 pipes and a dual tip magnaflow muffler and i am now geting like 213 to a tank and my check engine lights on now.
get an oem, thats my advice, but its ur car...
I have a magnaflow hi-flow cat too. Would that still be good with an OEM muffler?
Would the OEM muffler give me back most of it? OR any others out there that has a better sound, yet keeps the same quality and that kind of stuff as the OEM?
I filled up my gas tank tonight and got 199 miles to the tank. I was on the last line before the E line.
PhoeniX wrote:omg this thread is dripping with misinformation.....................................
therefore i stay away! ![](/global/images/emoticons/ab.gif)
I agree with him, all you are doing is spreading misinformation. if anything a "fart can" can increase the gas milage because of gained efficiency. also your whole backpressure thing is a heaping load of
There is absolutly no reason a 4 stroke engine needs back pressure to operate efficiently. all back pressure can feasably do is keep exhaust gas inside the cumbustion chamber and displace air.
And for you gas mileage problem, i would suspect the usual things, such as the spark plucs/wires, fuel injectors, o2 sensor, dirty or cloged egr, etc.
SPark plugs and plug wires are no more than a year old. Fuel injectors, I havne't replaced, o2 sensor not that either. Noob questions, but whats the egr?
bh04 wrote:SPark plugs and plug wires are no more than a year old. Fuel injectors, I havne't replaced, o2 sensor not that either. Noob questions, but whats the egr?
The egr is an exhaust gas recirculation valve. its puts a little bit of echaust into your intake to take up some air and make it run a little richer without sacraficing gas mileage to reduce NOX emmisions and lower combustion temperatures. This thing can get cloged up and stuck open causing gas mileage problems, studdering, just overall poor running engine.
Its jusually just a good idea to take it off and clean it out and make sure it functions properly.
The o2 sensor can usually be the big gas hog if it goes out or doesnt function proplerly. The sensor has i big part of telling your computer what air fuel ratio to run.
Just run some fuel injector cleaner through a tank of gas to break up anything that could feasably be cloging the fuel injectors causing them to not spray properly causing an eniffecient bur of fuel that again wastes gas.
Also read through this thread, it will give you some more info.
What fuel injector cleaner would you reccomend? Where is the egr located so i can clean it? What about the o2 sensor?
There isnt really a recomended injector cleaner, Just go to autozone and pick up one that you think looks good its all pretty much the same stuff.
I belive the egr should be just to the right side of the valve cover and on the head. check a chiltons to be exact if you cant find it. and if you dont have a chiltons or similar repair manual pick one up, it is a great thing to have.
The o2 sensor is in the header twords the bottom. im not sure if there is one by the cat or not on the 2000 models.
theres a o2 sencer on the header and theres also one off the cat.
Have fun putting some injector cleaner into a tank of gas. If your going to put injector cleaner in you might as well buy new injectors. they will never work the same
I was thinking about buying new ones, but not sure if I need to. I have roughly 74k miles on my car.
You guys seem be really BSing here. First off the whole back pressure thing you dont really need it. Less back pressure form my experience will give you less torque, so yes it could possible hurt MPG. On the other side your motor will be able to flow so much better that your MPG should increase more than what the loss of some torque will hurt.
I drove 5hrs this summer with open header on the highway and my MPG Rocked i got 33-35 no prob i had over 400 mi. on not even a whole tank of gas!
As far as fuel injector cleaner goes i never heard any say it hurts them. I use it on a regular bases with great results.
I would do as SHADOW says, Also don't forget about your air and fuel filter. I change mine every 9,000 mi.
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