Ok is there anyway to test the fuel injectors with them on the car. My girlfreinds cavalier still has a ramdom multiple missfire and the ignition system is good I swap fuel pumps and it will actually stay running now. Oh it is a 98 with the 2.4L twincam. Oh what other cars have compatable injectors. I think everybody in advance for your help.
some mechanics have stethoscopes, essentially, with a long probe... they can put it right on or next to the injector and listen to see if its firing (they make a clicking noise).
I changed the plugs it was running nasty rich do to the IAT sensor telling the computer it was -40* outside, fixed the bad sensor conection. Checked all 4 coils for spark they were good took the car down the street it died and would not restart just would backfire through the intake, pushed the car about a mile back home, scanned the computer for any new trouble codes their was a crankshaft position sensor error so I replaced it still would not start but stopped backfiring through the intake. I then decided it was not getting enough fuel so I replaced the fuel filter and it would but barely run so I replaced the fuel pump. Now it runs but still has the origanal problem The Ramdom Multiple Engine missfire. Oh another weird thing is as your accelerating it will smooth out and start to pull as a Quad4 should but then starts cutting out again. I just don't know this car really has me stumped, But I am thinking one of the injectors is leaking and cuasing it to to missfire don't just shooting idea out my a$$ right now. Thanks for your help off to go replace the motor mounts in it maybe I will stumble across the problem then.
Check your fuel pressure regulator. Check if fuel is leaking into the vacuum side of the regulator.
Thats Him Officer The WICKED One.
I'm having this same sputtering and missing problem. We have already changed out the o2 sensor after the cat, coil packs, plugs, plug boots, and fuel filter. had the cel scanned again today when it came back on, and got 2 codes for the o2 sensor in the maifold, and 1 code for the crank position sensor. Picked the cps up today and hope to have it changed out tomorrow and hope that cures it. It sure is agravating. maybe check your o2 sensors.
some mechanics have stethoscopes, essentially, with a long probe... they can put it right on or next to the injector and listen to see if its firing (they make a clicking noise).
or a screwdriver works too also check your fpr make sure your keeping the proper pressure in the rail
How do I check the fuel pressure I see no way of doing that. I was thinking maybe one of the injectors could be clogged or maybe not turning off. Oh Crystal be sure to get another oil filter or becareful removeing the old one cuase it blocks access to the Crankshaft position sensor. Oh I got new motor mounts for the car and the top one on the passenger side of the engine compartment is a pita, How do you get the rubber and hydraulic part out the steel holder on the motor mount. I really would like to thank everybody for there help it is verymuch appreciated.
Yeah, I busted the oil filter during removal because I have no patience. Isn't the upper motor mount just an insert? I think so, We have one but I haven't installed it yet.
Yeah it is an insert how do I get the insert out ahhggg I guess I will have to go source out a manual for the car. Oh funny thing a close family friend said he was having the same problem as me, it ended up being the thermostat. I will replace that anyway seeing how I get a code for insufficient temperature for closed loop operation