I read the FAQ on the suspension forum, however i would like some input from you 3rd gen owners, whats the best system to do say, 1.5" drop? i was looking at Knoi Yellows and i think the package came with BG something springs, what do you think of that? or should i just go full coilover?
The koni's are a fine choice, just match them with a name brand spring of the height you want and you'll be happy.
doesn't matter what forum you post in...you'll get the same response.
9/10 poeple will say koni's with eibach springs.
thanks all, looks like its konis adnd eibachs
does 1.5 really do anything cause it just seems like such a small number...ive been thinking of 2 inches on mine but then i might not be able to get over speed bumps and such anybody have any before and after pics? that would really help my descision thanks in advance

my car on sportlines

Im a Xbox 360 fanboy...and damn proud of it!!
From what I've seen, 1.5" is a big difference but you're getting much better handling on top of that. Good choice on the suspension, Matt, I'm hoping for a similar setup for my car. Good luck, bro.
David and 99redz24, very nice rides.

yeah the eibach prokit is an excellent drop... perfect height because the control arms are parallel to the ground. this gives you optimum handling.
also, maybe look into some d-specs instead of the konis. d-specs are direct replacements whereas you'll have to modify you're stock struts to fit on the front konis.
Check out my build thread!
thanks for the tips elite and man that does make a difference looks so much better this is defentially my next investment

Me personally... I would just save that little bit of extra money needed for a full coilover kit.
if your looking for performance, 1.5" is the perfect drop. suspension is all personal choice on what you want. either springs or coils, then you decide on the struts from there. if you want coils, imo you might as well look into a full kit since by the time you spend the money on coils and struts you'll be around the same ball park in price
If you want a pretty good drop Id suggest Goldlines..
1.75" drop and i settles nicely
goldlines + 18s = sex ...
How harsh is the ride with the 1.5" drop compared to stock?

Thats Him Officer The WICKED One.
not bad at all if u get the right struts to go w/ it
I like the H&R springs myself. Gonna get some AGX to put on with them here shortly.
Madjack wrote:Like I said before, building an engine like ours (2.2 or 2200) is a painstaking chore , since there is so few custom made parts. It's frustrating to me too, but that's what I like about doing this engine, it's the challenge.
I have the KYB AGX/Pro-Kit setup and its awesome. If you plan on using pro-kits AGX's will be just fine for you.
if your looking for performance, 1.5" is the perfect drop.
Why is 1.5" the perfect drop? I thought the lower the better for performance.
Chris Mackinlay wrote:Quote:
if your looking for performance, 1.5" is the perfect drop.
Why is 1.5" the perfect drop? I thought the lower the better for performance.
not true. the best for performance is when the front lower control arm is parallel with the
ground which is usually only an inch or inch and a half lower than stock
ahhhh, okay.
My 2 bits:
Koni Sport Kit.
Not coilovers, but total drop is about 1.8"
The front strut modification is't too bad, run a search for a "Koni Installation" or similar and you can find a step-by-step guide (Konis with Sportlines, most other regular springs are the same)
The pictures were from before when they allowed HTML in the posts...grr
But it's honestly not that bad. I guess the most challenging part could potentially be drilling out the rear strut mounts to accomodate the larger diameter Koni shaft. Use a sharp bit, a decent drillpress and lots of cutting oil.
You will definitely appreciate the adjustability of the Yellows
From just "Firm" to "Rattle your kidneys" with a simple twist
Sleeper style, they don't see it coming that way.
I have been extremely happy with my eibach sportlines. massive change.
My Cav
I give up...
i'm buying a VW those people love trees, so they should love eachother too... "Andy"
I'm running Koni yellows with Intrax (1.7") springs and i absolutely love it!
Cancel my subsription to the resurrection.