Hi, my 96 Z-24 has a disturbing noise coming from passenger side kind of from back maybe close to the seat belt it goes toc,toc,toc on bumpy roads , need help on probable cause, already changed the shocks and mounts, disarm the seat belt and seems ok even had the rear glass taken out and put back again (this eliminated some noises it was sort of loose in some parts) any ideas welcome.
The back of the car right? Did You try folding the seat down? Have some one drive while you ride back there so you can pinpoint its location.
01 cav w/01 3400 gam gt 4t45e
That´s how I pinpointed the rear windshield somehow loose, also drived with the back seat unfolded, still makes this noise, Thanks anyway,Joe.
the only thing I can think of is the rear axle bushing, where it connects to the body.
is it for sure coming from the interior of the car?
Desert Tuners
“When you come across a big kettle of crazy, it’s best not to stir it.”
Check the rear strut bushings and center bolt. I would get some wrenches and go around to make sure that all of the suspension bolts are tight.
Check the trunk tortion springs, (holds the trunk open)I have seen them make noises too.
01 cav w/01 3400 gam gt 4t45e
Thanks for the ideas. I lifted the rear of the car and checked all bolts and screws also in the trunk, the tensioners for the trunk are ok, rear axle bushing seems to be fine but only way to check it is taking it out or the axle from it. Anyway what I found was the stupid gas cap making noise when I shake it even when it was tighten on the car luckily I was able to disassemble it and adjust also the plastic vent grill on the frame of the car when the door is open was kind of loose. If the noise continues I will get a friend to drive and will try to locate it .
Did you try bouncing the car up and down, side to side? One time i had a sway bar break loose in the axle. Made kind of a creaking noise.
01 cav w/01 3400 gam gt 4t45e