I have a 98 z24 , for some reason my car has been getting hotter than usual. Ive noticed that the temp quage goes near the next line from the middle and that the right front fender gets a lot hotter than it should. Someone told me to try flushing my radiator. Any other suggestions ?
Does it just get hotter when sitting, or does it stay warm while driving as well?
Sounds like it might be a sticky thermostat.
Overheating....sooo many possibilities....(usually a thermo)
Don Long wrote:I have a 98 z24 , for some reason my car has been getting hotter than usual. Ive noticed that the temp quage goes near the next line from the middle and that the right front fender gets a lot hotter than it should. Someone told me to try flushing my radiator. Any other suggestions ?
thats nothing abnormal, especially if your just sitting still. i wouldnt worry to much about it til it hits red. if you want though you can change the thermostat
Are you using your A/C? Does it even work? If you are sitting at a light with your A/C it will be normal for your temp to raise. As long as it drops once you start moving. The drain plud is on the front on the drivers side. Access it from under the front bumper. If your A/C is on when this happens then you have a problem.
FU Tuning
Yeah a thermostat prob you'd notice right away because the gauge would constantly read wrong or would go into the red when your engine is really not that hot, as for heating up just when your sitting there idling if you have the ac on yeah it's normal for it to go up but i would think the fan coming on at about 205, 215, 220 would compensate for the extra heat and bring the temp right back down. Flushing the radiator isn't a bad thing just if your going to do that try and remember at approximately what mileage you do it at so you can make that part of your regular routine maintenance.
You're fine... A/C or not. Slight heating up is normal in these cars when sitting. Nothing to worry about.

For Sale.
david norris wrote:You're fine... A/C or not. Slight heating up is normal in these cars when sitting. Nothing to worry about.
That is not correct. If the A/C is on the temp should not move while siting. When the A/C is on the fan is on just as it is when it reaches 218 (or what ever temp it comes on at).
FU Tuning
i have the same heating problem...my acs not working right now but check this out when the temp guage reads this:
(normally it points straight up...and thats not my gauge mind u i did a search for guages and shopped it real quick)
my oil pressure light goes off...or flickers...anybody else have that problem? this doesnt happen unless im doing alot of city driving and i have to stop at traffic lights alot and only when the guage starts reaching that temp...i dont like it cus all i have for alight is the dummy light...and i dunno how many degrees that is...i got the base model guage with nothing in it but a gas speedo and temp guage...sigh...i just had my thermostat changed and it worked for a little bit...but this just started happening again this past month...i had the thermostat replaced...say about 2-3 months ago any other ideas? i still gotta get my ac serviced soon...and i hope this isnt a sign for a serious problem...perhaps taking it back and checking the thermo again? ugh..
I think it's normal for the basic cluster to be like that. Mine always was, then when I swapped to a cluster with a tach, the needle was straight up at the 195 mark constantly.
For the oil pressure light, that might be something you want to look into. First make sure that you've got enough oil in it to be sure it's not just telling you you're low on oil. If not, you may want to have a shop check that oil press. problem. If you lose oil pressure you WILL overheat, quickly. And the 2.2 dont seem to take to much overheating to blow the head gasket.
i have enough oil...so that part cant be wrong...ugh..shop time again....haha i just got it back from one too...sigh...im wondering if i should just get a new cav and transfer everything over...*tear*....nah
Yeah your fine ac on or not ,as long as the needle drops again the second you start moving if it keeps climbing up then you have a problem.
If anyone replaces a thermostat, please go to the dealer and get a factory replacement, dont get an aftermarket ones, at Wheelworks we had so many problems with aftermarket thermostats that we quit putting them in, many cars would come back overheating/no heat in winter problem.
Fst Cavy i agree with you actually i would probably go so far as to say that in my opinion most anything aftermarket is a joke, i mean yeah i realize for some it can be a huge money saver but why cut corners with something you want to last you a long time to me it's not worth it . I realize i am probably the only one that feels this way.
that part sucks..i tried to get a thermostat from the local parts store...didnt fit...took it to the dealer..cost me 100 bucks... >.<
oo yea thats 15 bux for the part and the rest for labor...i wish i had more time to do it myself
hey guys, i'm experiencing same problem the needle used to be right in the center for normal driving temp. now its close to d' redzone, I'm thinking maybe it's just because it's summer. probably my thermostat needs changing.
So, anyone here done changing thermostat on 95-99 Z24 by themselves, can you guys tell me where exactly a thermo located?
Is it somewhere along the lower rad hose, right on the back of the engine?
thats wat mybuddy said is true?
if you know how to do it yourself yeah go for it will probably save you a ton of money, just gotta be extremely careful because even stuff from autozone has it's ups and downs there's at least one bad apple in every bunch LOL.
ya i know that, but no probs here where i live there's an ac delco dealer close by.
So, anyone here done changing thermostat on 95-99 Z24 by themselves, can you guys tell me where exactly a thermo located?
Is it somewhere along the lower rad hose, right on the back of the engine?
thats wat mybuddy said is true
Whitebull whether you know it or not the point still stands regardless of whether you have an ac delco dealer 5 minutes from your house or an hour from your house even they could sell you a bad part from time to time sure we all know it can happen but the point stands.
Whitebull that is correct..
jack the car up...
1. remove right-side tire
2. remove fender cover
3. remove heat shield from exhaust
looking down from from the firewall,
I used a long extension with a 8mm socket to remove the two bolts hooked to the water pump and thermostat pipe tube.
remove thermostat and install the new one.
if you have small hands you should be able to start both bolts and go back using the extension
(remember, the Thermostat's spring always faces the engine)
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Thursday, June 29, 2006 6:29 PM
Thanks alot guys, it's been a big help.
it's all done and shes running just like before. temp. back to normal now.