I couldn't find anything in the search, but I am horrible at searching...
I bought and installed a Carbon Fiber VIS Evo Hood, and it doesn't seem to fit quite right, I was told it was becaue it expands a bit in hat. But there is another issue...
While idling, and especially with my heater going, the hood rattles quite a bit, it is kind of annoying, Is there a way to fix this?
Thats what I have done, i have tightened them down and replaced them several times.
My bad, confused my exhaust question with my hood question from a different section...
I have tried tightening them, but it doesn't seem to work completely, I guess I could spend some time actually messing with it to get it to work how I want it to.
i had 2 lower the latch on mine so that the hood would pull tighter. the front was really high compared the the fenders. so all we did was loosen the 2 bolts that hold the latch mechanism 2 the radiator support and beat it down as low as it would go. we may have even drilled out the holes a lil so it would go down even farther. this made my hood close farther in the front and about even with the fenders.

The look doesn't bother me so much as does the rattling. I don't really have the skill to do anything that i could possibly mess up the hood in the process.
Mine has larger than stock gaps between the hood and the fenders, and was slightly warped so I needed to install hood pins to prevent the hood from shaking.
I will probably get some hood pins as well.
hood pins are required for these hoods, on my 01, i got a bunch of cracks in the main vent from the hood flexing. def put pins in, and it will help your hood. and i personally have springs under the hood to hold it better.
Adjust the rubber stops. If that does not work, lower the hood latch. And get pins in it.
i bought my pins because i like the way it looks with them....no noises at all!

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