Has Anyone noticed what i call a hotspot on their J's, an example being i'm out running my car and i come back shut it off and anywhere from 5 to 20 minutes later i go out hit the switch and the second i let go of the key it drags a little bit and dies then the second i hit the switch again it fires right up like it never had a prob in the first place. Sounds pretty weird i know. Btw it's an intermittent prob did it twice last night but not all the time 2.2 eco 4 speed auto.
Sunbird you saying it is the fuel filter for definite or ru saying that's what it could be, also if it's the fuel filter for definite which if i am reading you right your saying it is is it getting ready to take a dump on me.
would he put a "?" if he was telling you thats your problem for sure.....
okay you know what darkstars, if you can;t be of any real help and all you want to do is rag on people don''t bother posting anything at all.
Niteowl wrote: if it's the fuel filter for definite which if i am reading you right your saying it is
Darkstars wrote:would he put a "?" if he was telling you thats your problem for sure.....
I am helping you out..... I'm pointing out what your lack of common sense and reading comprehension is making you not see.
that may be your way of helping someone out , however it is the wrong way of helping someone out, yes i realize he put a question mark in his response but i merely asked if my fuel filter was taking a dive on me since the way he phrased his response made it to me anyway seem as if he was saying that was what it was. And since it was never clarified that he was just hazarding a guess you'd have to assume the question mark meant that. However would have been a lot easier if the fact that that was just a guess on his part had been actually stated.
Fuel filter is a possiblity. Change the fuel filter, pour in some fuel system cleaner and/or octane booster, and see how that goes. Most of the time its a fuel system issue when starts are unreliable...
Niteowl wrote:that may be your way of helping someone out , however it is the wrong way of helping someone out, yes i realize he put a question mark in his response but i merely asked if my fuel filter was taking a dive on me since the way he phrased his response made it to me anyway seem as if he was saying that was what it was. And since it was never clarified that he was just hazarding a guess you'd have to assume the question mark meant that. However would have been a lot easier if the fact that that was just a guess on his part had been actually stated.
Yes, because just recently it has become standard practice to answer like a contestant on Jeopardy -- in the form of a question.
I've noticed that my Cavy is slow to catch and start under some similar conditions. Usually it's if I've driven only a few minutes and then shut it off -- such as running in to pick up fast food or something. I've chalked this up as normal, probably due to flooding or vapour lock or some other such thing.

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Thanks for the help sunbird i'll definitely have to get the fuel filter checked, Geeky that's interesting you mention vapor lock i've only heard of that happening on cars from the 70's and 80's. Not that it couldn;t happen on ours that's interesting i wonder what would cause that the vapor lock that is.
vapor lock doesn't really happen on newer cars. Old non fuel injected fuel systems only had liek 5-6 psi of fuel pressure, Todays car have alot more pressure, your average car runs maybe 50 PSI or so, while the dirrect injection systems see over 1,500 psi of pressure on the high side of the system. It like the the cooling system, the radiator cap is a pressure cap, when its under pressure it doesn't boil (it still does but every psi of pressure raises the boiling point) in the fuel system if it gets to hot the fuel in the lines with boil and vaporize. Todays cars all of them either hold the line pressure when you turn it off, or prime the pump when you turn the key on to avoid this happening.
you car is an 04, you have the 3-36 warranty, as long as the mileage is low enough take it in get it checked out, theres a good chance the problem is an easy fix such as this TSB...
"Bulletin No.: 02-06-04-015A
Date: March 07, 2006
Intermittent No Crank, No Start (Clean Battery Side Terminal Stripped Threads, Replace Battery Cable Bolt)
2001-2007 GM Passenger Cars and Light-Duty Trucks (Including Saturn)
2003-2007 HUMMER H2
2006-2007 HUMMER H3
2005-2007 Saab 9-7X
with Side-Mounted Battery Terminals
This bulletin is being revised to update the models and provide a new labor operation number for this repair. Please discard Corporate Bulletin Numbers 02-06-04-015 and 03-06-03-006A (Section 06 - Engine/Propulsion System).
Some customers may comment on an intermittent no crank, no start condition.
This condition may be due to poor battery cable connections. Cross-threaded/stripped battery cable bolts inside the battery side post terminals may cause poor battery cable connections.
To avoid replacing the battery , do the following steps:
^ Clean the threads in the battery side post terminals using a 3/8" (# 16) NC bottom tap.
^ Replace the battery cable bolt.
The battery cable bolt is serviced separately from the cable and is available from your Parts Department. Be sure to use the correct bolt. "
well i've got about 82,000 on my car now, the extended warranty expired at 75,000 and the 3 yr 36,000 mile warranty is long gone.
My sunbird used to get vapour lock every once in a long while...only about 14psi running because it was a TBI engine...
the eco's aren;t tbi engines are they.
Nope, everything now is fuel injection....
TBI is fuel injection, its basically a carb with a couple injectors in it but it is fuel injection. We all have SFI (sequential fuel injection, sprays each cylinder individually.
okay yeah, i thought that's what it was darkstars i know years ago we had an S10 blazer with the 4.3 engine and it was Tbi like you described had the carburetor set up but was fuel injection. Though funny thing was you could still loosen the wing nuts and take the well not butterfly lid but the lid on top to get to the air cleaner. Thing was reliable as hell though never broke down once,