98Z is using water.... :( - Third Generation Forum

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98Z is using water.... :(
Friday, March 23, 2007 5:55 AM
Thats right, my lovely 1998 Z24 5 speed is starting to use water. Light just came on for the second time in a month. I have 136xxx on it. Do you think the water pump, could still be factory? The car has been beat on very lightly since brand new. I was told water pump replacement is very expensive, I looked at the motor and everything - everything looks good, no fluid anywhere it shouldnt be. Does not leak any fluids, and oil looks just as it should. Could the weather warming up have something to do with it? Im really thinking about getting a cobalt ss/sc cuz of the 5 year warranty, though I love my z. Thanks.

Re: 98Z is using water.... :(
Friday, March 23, 2007 4:31 PM
Are you using water or antifreeze?

Re: 98Z is using water.... :(
Friday, March 23, 2007 6:19 PM
Currently I am putting water in it. Should I get some prestone? Thanks for replying.
Re: 98Z is using water.... :(
Saturday, March 24, 2007 9:38 AM
If your using straight water, it is most likely evaporating. I run straight water in my race car and it evaporates over time. Put a proper mix of anti-freeze and water in you should be good.

-1995 Cavalier for dirt racing-
-1995 Sunfire for parts-
-1998 Dodge Durango for getting to the track-
-1997 Dodge Avenger for playing-
Re: 98Z is using water.... :(
Sunday, March 25, 2007 9:18 AM
^^ I found that out too. The right mix and youl never have to refill unless you have a leak.
Re: 98Z is using water.... :(
Thursday, March 29, 2007 8:31 PM
use coolant you hossier!

darkblade j
Re: 98Z is using water.... :(
Friday, March 30, 2007 7:09 AM
are you leaking it or burning it? because you could have a blown head gasket and that could cause te water to go intoyour cylinders and burn smell the exaust fumes if u wanna know that way. water pumps arent that high unless you pay someone to do it cause they are a pain to do. i have a Z24 a 98 as well and i just got 153xxx miles on it and i just replaced me water pump dont know if it was the original one or not and it cost me abou t70 bucks for a new one and i put it in myself in a day.
Re: 98Z is using water.... :(
Sunday, April 01, 2007 8:47 PM
replacing a water pump is very inexpensive... i just picked up a brand new one from my local o'reilly and it ended up costing $25 after tax.

Check out my build thread!

Re: 98Z is using water.... :(
Wednesday, April 04, 2007 6:14 AM
Nathan Walbourn wrote:are you leaking it or burning it?

Im positive its just disapearing. Car does not smell werid, and there is no puddle underneath the car. Im going to get some proper stuff this weekend. Cars been sitting for a few weeks now. Public transportation FTW
Re: 98Z is using water.... :(
Thursday, April 05, 2007 7:10 PM
put actual coolant in. if all you're putting in is water, its evaporating. you need coolant.

Re: 98Z is using water.... :(
Friday, April 06, 2007 10:20 AM
Coolant will help out a lot. It will run cooler, and not take a risk of warping the head or anything...

Also it could have a slow leak. In the winter (or when ever its cold) my water outlet leaks because the neck that goes inside the head is missing a piece. (bought it that way) Still haven't gotten around to fixing it, but I typically don't smell anything or leave puddles where ever I park. But I can see it sitting on my transmission housing.


Re: 98Z is using water.... :(
Monday, April 09, 2007 8:25 AM
coolant does help alot and if its water u wont smell it like you would coolant and it will evaporate before it could drip off of the motor. sometimes the radiator leak stuff works depends how bad of a leak u have if u have a leak. if u do that i would recommend Bars its in a silver/gray bottle it works pretty good as long as u dont have a big leak or it wont work at all.
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