I just bought and lost a 1997 grand am (totalled after only a month). The grand am had the 2.4 w/ auto tranny and traction control. Anyhow I bought the car back (a friend needed the engine). I am stripping the entire car out and hoping to use some of the parts on my 2.2 cavy. MAinly Im wondering if I can use the 2.4 tranny on my 2.2 and all of what I might need to change. I am hoping not to have to change harnesses, but ecu and shifter would be an easy swap if the ecu will run the 2.2, the shifter would also allow me to swap out consoles. Finally Im wondering the the steering columns would swap out, the cavy has straight column and the grand am had tilt steering.
oh my cavy is a 95 2-door and the grand am is a four door for what it's worth.
a quick search would have told you this: the 2.4 trans will NOT bolt up to a 2.2, or even vice-versa.completely different bolt pattern.
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The 2.4 PCM will also, not run the 2.2
and J-bodys and not the same platform as a grand am, just becasue they are boh GM's just mean they will just pop together like legos
yank the 2.4 out of the grand am, build it and through it, the tranny, and the ecu in the cavi.
someone correct me if im wrong but, cant you swap braking system, rear axle. i remember somebody did it
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unfortunately my friend gets the engine. And of course I know they dont just snap together, hence why Im asking if anyone knows. I have the parts and Im either going to sell them or use them, I was hoping to get rid of the p.o.s. tranny in the cavy, and get tilt steering in the cavy. Im not asking for rude comments just people that actually know something.
Im not asking for rude comments just people that actually know something.
Two of the above, Darkstars and SHOoff are the "people that know something".
1989 Z24 Convertible - Dust Covered
2006 tC - Dust Covered, but driven more
I was talking about darkstars. Im not retarded I know they won't snap together. And I didn't ask for any retarded answers like that. If he doesn't know if any parts are interchangible than shut up and don't comment, if he does know yeah or neah than comment to those ffects. Obviously I am asking cause I do not know and I am trying to find out. All the others could comment in a mature manner. I would hate to tell him but alot of parts from a grand am will work on a cavy. All I need to know is about the parts I asked about. The others have been helpfull with the tranny and engine (as I apprechiate it).
You most likely can swap the engine and trans. The ECU is gonna be the problem. Though it may have the same plugs as the 2.2 ECU that's in the car, the wiring to them is different by a lot. So, if you did swap the engine, you'd be best off getting an ECU and harness from a 2.4 Cavalier.
You could also maybe pull a few items from the interior, and few means just that. The cars are a different size. I'm not exact, but If I had to guess I'd say you could probably swap the seats over if the ones from the GA are more comfy/look better in your opinion. The shifter..... it depends on y our car. Likely what you could do is just pull the knob on top and swap that (if you like the looks better) Wether the entire center console will swap, I have no idea. I'd guess you'd have a few fitment issues with that but could probably get it to work. Would be kinda goofy if you have the 3spd trans in your Cav since the GA is gonna be 4spd no matter what.
I apprechiate the info. The center console would bolt right in, if not for the shifting linkages. All the hole except the front which has a flange bolted in with the shifter on the ga. I was planing on doing away with the indicators on the console as I have them on the dash, The shifter works great on the cavy plus it has the button on the side..hehe. The hubs are coming off for the cavy, as many gm cars and vans use those hubs. My biggest thing is the steering column. I would love to have tilt.
umm why is every one saying the tranny wont swap??
im gonna go out on a limb here and assume that your 95 cavalier with the 2.2 has the 3 speed auto trans mission?
the grand am more than likely has the 4 speed 4t40e. some 2.2s (my 98 sedan for example) have the 4t40e in them. i cant see why they wouldnt swap over as long as the 4 speed transmission from the grand am is the same 4 speed as the one that the cavies had.
the one thing i could see being a problem is that the 2.2L's from 95-97 are a different engine from the 2.2L's from 98-02. i would think a transmission swap my still be possible, but might be a pain in the ass since the 2speed is a hydralic transmission and the 4t40e 4speed is electronically controlled.
it would probably be the same or cheaper to swap a 5 speed manual in.
1997 RedR - ZedR
The bolt pattern for the bellhousing is totally different. Now say if the grand am had a 3.1 then it could go in.

2009 Ford Mustang V6
whitegoose( RedR-ZedR) wrote:umm why is every one saying the tranny wont swap??
im gonna go out on a limb here and assume that your 95 cavalier with the 2.2 has the 3 speed auto trans mission?
the grand am more than likely has the 4 speed 4t40e. some 2.2s (my 98 sedan for example) have the 4t40e in them. i cant see why they wouldnt swap over as long as the 4 speed transmission from the grand am is the same 4 speed as the one that the cavies had.
the one thing i could see being a problem is that the 2.2L's from 95-97 are a different engine from the 2.2L's from 98-02. i would think a transmission swap my still be possible, but might be a pain in the ass since the 2speed is a hydralic transmission and the 4t40e 4speed is electronically controlled.
it would probably be the same or cheaper to swap a 5 speed manual in.
Yeah..... it might be physically possible. But, since the 2.2 and the 2.4 have a different bellhousing the tranny wont swap..... end of story.
Anybody know about the column? I hoping this weekend to get the wheel bearings replaced. And start tearing the interior done more.
the trans from the grand am is a 4t60e....not 4t40e