I have a '96, not sure if that makes a difference. I found some posts saying the wires go to a connector, but I have no idea what the connector looks like (my wires dont go anywhere at the moment, lol). If they do go to a connector, where do they go
after that?
11 speaker JL Audio stereo setup for sale:
YMM of the donor harness?
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Monday, August 18, 2008 5:50 PM
remove your lower steering column cover, the plug will be 2 inches from the key cylinder , small plug, I think there is a yellow, a black and a black w/ white. (not 100% on the yellow color) the wires coming from the key cylinder will be a black ribbon cable attached to the front side of the key cylinder. on yours they go from there to the back of the cluster.
01 cav w/01 3400 gam gt 4t45e
There are 3 wires which go to the lock cylinder: white, black, and yellow
The white wire (circuit 1459) is the Magnetic Rotation Detection Sensor Feed -- Pin A
Black (circuit 1835) is the Sensor Return -- Pin B
Yellow (circuit 1836) is sensor signal -- Pin C
From there SI shows it to go to the IPC, but how exactly isn't described. I also can't locate those circuit #'s anywhere else in the interior wiring... I beleive that it is the slide on connector on the right side of the IPC
I have the white, yellow, black from the key cylinder, and somewhere along the line they were severed, in two different locations
, and there is no connecter anywhere in what's left of my harness.
I see a spot on the top-passenger's side of the cluster where it looks like a 3-pin connecter can slide onto the cluster's PCB, I'm guessing this is it. Looks like I'll be grabbing a connecter from the junkyard this weekend.
Thanks everyone
11 speaker JL Audio stereo setup for sale:
In case anyone finds this later, some have white, black, yellow and some have black, black, black/white. The black/white seems to correspond with the white.
11 speaker JL Audio stereo setup for sale: