Esteban Cuevas wrote:Hi everybody!, I have just bought an used 96', 2.4 Cavalier
I'm not sure but I think it's working a little hot.
In normal operation, it reaches this point, when the fan starts:
The fan is starting a little bit late? Or that it's a normal operation temperature?
The fan only reduces the temperature very little, then stops. It's never "tries" to get the indicator in the middle. żIt's Fine?
(Sorry my bad english, I speak Spanish)
PS: The previous owner used just destilated water on the cavalier, not dex-cool. I should immediately change the water and use dex-cool?
AZ24Ncav wrote:once water heats up. it does nothing but evaporate.
Rich Grayo Jr. wrote:if it's been just water in the cooling system for this long, i wouldnt put dex cool back in. i would go with the all-makes antifreeze. as for how your fan is operationg, thats completely normal.
AZ24Ncav wrote:once water heats up. it does nothing but evaporate.
at atmospheric pressure. im not saying some boil-off doesnt occur, but it doesnt simply just go away.[/quote
yea i didnt mean dissappear out of thin air.. but it wouldn't stay in his system for to long. might just be me, but i dont trust just water. but you are right though.
Esteban Cuevas wrote:A friend told me that if the car has normal antifreeze for many years there is rust in the system, so if I put dexcool now, it's gonna eliminate the rust, and this rust can damage the engine, radiator, water pump... what do you think? True? After years of normal antifreeze.... should I put dexcool?
PD: Again, sorry for the english, It was kinda hard to say this.