95-98 2.4's and 99-02 2.4
Basically my 97 spun a bearing! So i'm trying to find a new motor, i need the car back on the road like yesterday, so i can put my mustang up.
I don't know alot about these motors but i have never seen or heard anything good about them. I have been looking for a new motor, but i'm comming up empty.
But i noticed that when doing searches they go from 95-98 an 99-02 so what the difference and will a newer 2.4 work????????
Any help guys????
90 Trofeo (L67) pwrd
92 25th RS
97 Z24 m5
08 merc Suv
the head's are different... not much but they are.
pistons are different, 96-98 have a slight dish, 99-02 are completely flat top
99-02 doesnt have EGR, 96-98 does
they both have different knock sensors
99-02 uses high impedance injectors, 96-98 the low impedance
i know theres more just cant think of it at the moment
failing to prepare is preparing to fail.
just gotta drill out the knock sensor and tap it for yours and use all your accessories and stuff off you engine.just bvuy the bottom end if possibler .at leats thats what i always thought but prove me wrong guys
Its easier to put the newer engine (and legal) into an older car, simply because everything works the same (just drill and tap the knock sensor hole).
While there are differences (as Zyaa pointed out), they have no effect on what works in the car and what doesn't.
'02 Z24 420whp
'04 GTO 305whp
W41 BOI -
'78 Buick Opel Isuzu W41 Swap
Take all the accessories off yours (intake and exhaust manifolds, etc) and swap them over to the newer engine.
one thing I want to point out, the 95 is a 2.3 the 2.4 started in 96, lol.
thanks guys! Now if i can just find one ....lol geez
90 Trofeo (L67) pwrd
92 25th RS
97 Z24 m5
08 merc Suv