Can some body help me ???
Umm.... its straight forwards...
remove old exhaust manifold and exhaust you are replacing.
Re-use old manifold gasket or buy new metal one.
and re-install same way you remove everything.
If you cannot handle that, take it to someone who knows what they are doing.
just recently did this maybe some more inside on what you're working on so we can really help?
Im working on a 04 cavalier

what do you need help bet take it to an exhaust shop.cause if you lost already you'll be really screwed when you break offone of the studs
Ummmm dosnt seem like your too serious about getting help. The exhaust mod isnt hard, get a haynes manual for your car so you know the torque sequence and torque specs.
I understand people have to start learning someplace, but jacking with the exhaust on your car when you have no idea what your doing could cause you a ton of trouble. Take it to the shop and save yourself about 2 days of swear words and blood and skin loss.
i do have to agree with green on this its a mild mod but if you get lost gusss what know you have no headers or a bad exhaust leak and maybe a g/f crying