Heres the thing, im tired of having 4 doors. Soooo... this winter while the car is parked im thinking of getting a 2 door shell and just swapping all the parts off my 4 door to the 2 door... What i need to know is are there any non interchangeable parts? As far as suspension or mecanical wise. I know the interior will be diferent, but im talking about things that make the car drive here... help is appreciated. ty.
what i figured, just making sure. ty for the confirmation
What does everything mean?
I know that the windshields and door mirrors are different. Mechanical wise all of the suspension is the same as well as the engine and trans stuff. when you get to the electrical stuff is where you have to watch. You didnt say which years your dealing with. 00+ electrical is mostly only good in an 00+ swap, remember also that the engine harness and BCM are important factors here. What Im saying is if you keep within your year range for the 2 door shell there will be less problems.
01 cav w/01 3400 gam gt 4t45e
all i was making sure of was suspension and I have a complete 4 door donor thats a 95 with 02 conversion (front end, and cluster) and v6 swap. so i dont think electronics will be a problem since its all custom anyways. as i said i just needed to make sure all the suspension / subframe stuff will be interchangeable. so the windshield is diferent?
ok the 2 door having a longer windshield makes sense idk y it confused me for a sec. im tired. lol. and how diferent are the mirrors? will the 4 door still bolt to a 2 door? they will probably come with the doors, but just incase... are they just shaped diferent or not useable
the mirror itself is the same but the mount is different. theres a couple springs that hold the mirror to the mount if you need to change them.
Did I mention I drive a 2000 Lumina now? member
you would probably be better off swapping for a coupe or selling then buying a 2 door rather than going through all of this work
you would probably be better off swapping for a coupe or selling then buying a 2 door rather than going through all of this work
well i already have a complete car nearly set up, its just 4 doors and has frame damage. (so not really worth much) besides where would be the fun in that?
Keep the 4 door man.....
I love my 4 door more than my coupe.