2.2 2002 cavalier base model.
Well i did something stupid i got destracted by the neighbor and forgot to turn my car off. I know I know. Well i ran out there when i hear it. It wasn't overheated but it got hot. No to the red but very close. I used water as a coolant. Going to replace it with antifreeze.
But anyways. I think my fan is bad. I noticed it was not on. I turn on my ac and it will not kick on. I have noticed at lights my engine will start getting hotter on idle when sitting at a light. What could this be? Any test to do?
Fan or Fan Circuit most likely.
If you have a volt meter you could test the connections at the fan. Turn on the air and see if the circuit shows 12v on the meter.
You can test the fan itself by running a couple wires to it from the battery.
There is a fuse in the engine panel for the fan, that could be bad. Relay could be bad.
Its not programmed to come on until 223* though, which is pretty warm. It should however kick on with the a/c. Outside of that, it could be the ECT sensor but since that seems to be working it may not be bad. Is there a CEL at all?
"A car just isn't a car without a little blood, sweat, and beers." -- Shadowfire
It's almost always the relay. I'd look into that first.
"In Oldskool we trust"
Betcha it's the fan motor.
I replaced mine when diagnosing bad A/C.
Had a volcano eruption of coolant.
Duh! Maybe a bad fan motor? YUP.