OK. Here is the deal. It has been noted by many that no one can seem to understand the purpose of a sig request thread. So it is time to get one stickyd in my opinion. Mabye if it is at the top people will stop posting 5 different threads asking for signatures. It is just plain annoying.
Here are the rules (and please people add to this if you like, or correct me if I am wrong)
1. First, and most important, give us a picture or 2. Do not just tell us you want to have your car in it and link us to your car domain site. We do not want to waste our time searching for a decent picture, provide it to us.
2. Give us a good description of what you want. What you want as a background. Do you want it to blend in with the .org's background. or do want it to be a black or blue or green background. Tell us what you want it to say in exact detail. Do not just post up a picture and say do whatever we want to do. More than likely you will end up with it saying "fairy member" somewhere with a giant rainbow with your car at the end.
3. (this may just be me) As far as I am concerned, a signature should represent what you actually drive, not what you want to drive. So do not ask for a rim swap, lowering and, a body kit to be put on your car in your signature.
And finally a direct quote from the "Requirements when asking for chops" thread
"remember great sigs come from great pictures- the better your pictures the better the sig.
-you MUST post all pictures you would like to see in your sig. We do this on our free time we don't want to follow a link and try to find pictures or go through your registry.
-try to post only "whole" pictures(no parts of the car are cut off)
-tell us what text you want in your sig"
Thank you for your time and understanding. And remember, if we all follow the rules, this will be a better place.
ps(please remove this and the sticky me please text in the title. thank you to the moderators)
Post Edited (01-27-05 4:32 PM)
I included links but you dont have to search for the pic..its a direct link.
I love the one I have.. but I would like to see what you come up with.
<Img src="http://www.gnx.ca/stylez/stylez24JBOsig.jpg">
"Have faith in people....God is just an imaginary friend for grownups."
^^^ Why couldn't you have just put tags around those links??? <br>
if you can, can you make me a sig and if you cant post just send the sig to krypton4119@aol.com here are the pics starting with the one i like the most, and "high intenzity" is the name of the team i race with, would like if you place the name somewhere in the sig, you dont have to use the pic if you find some nice letters you can just add that and the cars name is BLACKOUT, add that to.
work your magic <br>
Dan R wrote:^^^ Why couldn't you have just put tags around those links???
because then every time someone comes to this thread, the pics have to load...too much bandwidth, for JBO and my server.
There is no need to show everyone the pics.... its just for the chopper
<Img src="http://www.gnx.ca/stylez/stylez24JBOsig.jpg">
"Have faith in people....God is just an imaginary friend for grownups."
well then good luck with your sig <br>
Are you insinuating that it wont get done because they arent tagged?
Here ya go.. if it makes you feel better...
<Img src="http://www.gnx.ca/stylez/stylez24JBOsig.jpg">
"Have faith in people....God is just an imaginary friend for grownups."
this ones for blackout...obviously
hope you like <br>
stylez you are SOOOO lucky. while i was abotu %80 done with your sig my comp froze. luckily i was abel to take a screen shto of what i had so far and then work again from that. but after losign all my layers isnt much i can do. and i am NOT going to remake it again. so here you go.
and if you had not posted the images with tags i wouldnt have done it. you follow the rules or you requests dont get done.
Creative Draft Image Manipulation Forum:::/:::
sometimes i think the sigs i make are so plain....ugh....thats a nice one. i dont have the patience or creativity to do that...but give me a car and ill chop the piss out of it <br>
i worked on it for about 15 minutes. then my psp froze and then i opened the screenshto i took before psp closed down and finished up for about 2 minutes.
i went on a long streak for awhile of making lots of sigs so it comes easy now. i also spent alot of time lookign through the old request thread to get inspiration of shapes and what not
Creative Draft Image Manipulation Forum:::/:::
ok black out i think this is the right place.lol i got 1 pic but i dont no if you can use it if not ill get another.i wanted it to say mr biggz and ui 4 life.i would like some kinda of background i don't have any idea tho.maybe some trees OR something i don't no.just make something nice for me please!!!
mr biggs
i like what do you think? <br>
mr biggs
i got another pic of the back or should i leave it this way?
mr biggs
take out the mr biggs under the signature and put return in there before it. that way you wont end up with text on the same line as the sig. other wise always hit an extra return at the end of the text before you post.
I would like to have a sig made too!
Here are some pics to use in it. And since I cant really decide which ones will look/work the best, you can pick! (It doesnt matter how many)
1. <img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v208/impulse4life/Sunbird/PontiacSunbird014.jpg">
2. <img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v208/impulse4life/Sunbird/PontiacSunbird013.jpg">
3. <img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v208/impulse4life/Sunbird/PontiacSunbird012.jpg">
4. <img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v208/impulse4life/Sunbird/PontiacSunbird011.jpg">
5. <img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v208/impulse4life/Sunbird/PontiacSunbird009.jpg">
6. <img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v208/impulse4life/Sunbird/PontiacSunbird008.jpg">
Also, I would like to have my jbo username in it "Sunchicken4life" Using the actual Sunbird style lettering shown below if at all possible! (If not then I will live with what you use)
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v208/impulse4life/Sunbird/PontiacSunbird004.jpg">
As well, I would like to have this picture of Newfoundland as my background
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v208/impulse4life/MISC/Newfoundland1.jpg">
With either ONE of these two flags used somewhere
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v208/impulse4life/MISC/Newfoundland2.jpg">
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v208/impulse4life/MISC/Newdoundland3.gif">
I really hope this isn't asking for too much, maybe it is, let me know what you think? Thanks <br>
Yeah I do notice that happens but I never ever notice it at the time I take it, its always after their on the computer and I'm looking at them that I notice that
Nathaniel, You are a master at what you do. I have noticed all the work you do on here for people, and Im stoked you were able to do this for me.
Thanks a lot man, it looks great, you have a lot of talent...
<Img src="http://www.gnx.ca/stylez/stylez24JBOsig.jpg">
"Have faith in people....God is just an imaginary friend for grownups."