If i get bored i may try it, the lightiing opn the 3rd and 4th picts is really good for quick chops
"Official Jewish J-Body"
I'll see if I can try it too. BTW, nice coloring on the interior.
<a href="http://www.cardomain.com/memberpage/499831"</a><img src="http://www.geocities.com/cloud_rider9/new-sig-copy.gif">
Unleash the Power of the Sun
cant wait to see what you guys do to my ride
i got bored!, ya i know the kit is off a lil bit but u can get the idea, later
looks good ...and makes me realise how much i need to lower it lol
looks good ...and makes me realise how bad i need to lower it...
bah damn internet lol...sry for dble post
Just messing around, trying to practive some airbrushing. And yes, they are Nissan wheels, and yes, they still say Nissan on them. OH WELL.
hmm...note to self...slam the car lol