I'm considering having the "reflector" panel across the rear painted, except where the circles are. I'm not sure which would look better, black or body color. Could someone show me what they would look like please? I'd like to remove the bowtie too. Thanks!
Do you still want it to have the transparent effect? Or flat/glossy pure color?
<img src=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v502/brad_sk88/NewSig.jpg>
Oh well
<img src=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v502/brad_sk88/NewSig.jpg>
man the body color looks good, black sticks out like an eyesore
BradSk88 ! wrote:Do you still want it to have the transparent effect? Or flat/glossy pure color?
Just glossy paint. Thanks a lot!
The body color definitely looks better. If I do it, I'll have them paint the tails too.
Thanks again,
id say leave the tails as you have to have red brake lights, and it loks kewl that way , too much ornage will make your car look bad, just a word of advice lol, but yah dontt you love that orange, cept orange cars have the worst re-sale value of all colors, makes me wonder, ohh and painitng dashes is a bad for re-sale as well figure that one out
JB wrote:id say leave the tails as you have to have red brake lights, and it loks kewl that way , too much ornage will make your car look bad, just a word of advice lol, but yah dontt you love that orange, cept orange cars have the worst re-sale value of all colors, makes me wonder, ohh and painitng dashes is a bad for re-sale as well figure that one out
I was thinking if I paint the tails the two circles on each one would be masked off and left unpainted. I'm just at the "thinking about it' stage right now anyway. I'm surprised that the orange would make a difference in resale, I've had nothing but compliments on it. I'm not concerned about resale value anyway. I'm definitely painting the dash, I already picked up an extra one so I can sand and paint it before I take mine apart.
Thanks for the input!
the second pic with the black looks like a ford escort.....
yah ,u jaw dropped when i heard orange has thw worst resale value, yah im gonna finish painting mine and ive srrted glassing my speaker rack spent liek 8 hours on so far i need liek a 1000 more j/k but yah def needs more time
i say black, and tint the tails
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