^^^chop'ee lol
and the chop'er lol.
whenever is the best time for you guys, ive tried to do my own, but i suck really bad. i mean i can make sigs and stuff, but i cant chop worth a crap so.... thanks again guys
2000 Camaro V6.
| SLP Loudmouth | CAI Intake | HID's |
Looks good man, thanks
2000 Camaro V6.
| SLP Loudmouth | CAI Intake | HID's |
did this yesterday but i didn't get a chance to post it.
Boing! Oh no, my pants are ruined. Just sexy, its as simple as that.
That cop took the whole thing way out of context. I mean, I was only going 145 Km/h in that
80 km/h zone because I was drunk and I wanted to get off the roads.