A-plus is sellin some graphics i like, cept i can't decide which i like the most. I know most people here like the "clean" look but i don't really cause i like to be different
anyways, i have a BC2 kit going on too but heres a couple quick chops i did to get an idea what they look like.
P.S. all graphics are silver i couldn't get a good silver so they turned out grey.
Choice 1:
Choice 2:
Choice 3:
which do you guys think look best?
i think i like the 3rd best
Agreed , and flames have been played out forever IMO.
if you want a custom designed graphic for your car, email me.
ok that'd be sweet, i spent the evening trying to get my BC2 front on i'll finish up tom morn and get a new side pic. thing is with my car, the fenders are green and the bumper ill be white, and i already have a graphic on the side that was there when i bought the car.
another thing would be how much more would i have to pay Jason to make it? lol
i'm not sure what he charges, if you get it designed and made thru me it would probably be a few hundred.
depends how complicated, if it takes me quite a while to do it, it'd be nice to get something in return. but something simple would be free of charge
email me a nice side shot of your car with no graphics added, i'll some up with some simpler designs (that can be made more complex). if you like what you see we can go from there.