Ok since no one in the sig threads do one I figured I post a custom sig thread.
I dont want my car in it, I frequent about 7 forums so i need it versatile
I want it to have a death like theme.... grim reaper, graveyard, some scary ass skelaton you get the idea
and have this saying in it
"My Goals Are Nothing But Goals, But That Which I Will Achieve"
LE61T PTE6262 Powered
ok and put
"The Boosted One" bottom left hand corner
I prefere it to be black/dark grey/some white/purple
LE61T PTE6262 Powered
I made one for you but I missed the whole thing about the graveyard, death theme you wanted....and the quote...you never mentioned anything about the car not being in it though. I'll work on another one tonight when I get home from work.
where? I never saw it lol
LE61T PTE6262 Powered
I just saw it, thanks!
my car looks NOTHING like that anymore
actually it has stock wheels,s tock hood/body kit lol 3 different colors...
LE61T PTE6262 Powered
I'm working on another one right now.
Dunno which thread you'll check for this so....
that is awesome!
can you make the sky black and outline that tree in a grey? and say change the coloring of my quote so i can see it?
that is @!#$in awesome!
LE61T PTE6262 Powered
Can do....check back in a bit
lol ok now take out that turbo and make the writing that purplely
LE61T PTE6262 Powered
or just keep it how it was opringinally too much purple now.. but dude you rock!
if I was a chick yep you'd be walking a way with a smile
LE61T PTE6262 Powered
Yeah I was bored and here ya go. Hope you like it!
- Darren
ontariocavs.com -||- phewes.snowpants.org -||- zukiworld.com
Blakout wrote:BAM!!!!
Awww QBE is holding hands with a black kid lol
www.kronosperformance.com / 732-742-8837
damn phewes that is cool! I ned a rotating sig code.. anyone know how?
LE61T PTE6262 Powered