Im in need of a new logo. Semi professional.
Gatekeeper Communications...
I have some ideas but do what you would like...
Send me the logo with your watermark across it so that i can view it, and if i decide to take it we can negotiate a price for the rights to the image.
thanks guys
what sort of business is it?
I know communications but, be more specific.
Mainly line installs...fiberoptics, coax, ethernet, phone
basic IT company then?
I will throw a few ideas together tomorrow when I get my laptop back.
yes basic It company..i need a logo asap..and sence your my only hope..lets get crackin lol...thanks alot man...if you just give me some rough ones now ill pick on and you can refine it and negotiate a price...
This is one iv been working on...i have a few different color background gradients..but i like this one the best