OK, say I've got a video saved on my computer, how would I go about taking a part of that video and turning it into an animated GIF? I've got photoshop and imageready, I just need to know how to do it. Thanks y'all.
macromedia flah and swish can both do this
u put the video into a flash movie. then when u export the movie it allows you to choose .gif
be aware, .gifs have no sound.
Creative Draft Image Manipulation Forum:::
Also.. if u want to be able to just take pics of certain timings and then make all them into a animated sig.. Just open Windows Movie Maker, Import ur video, and play the video.. there is a lil button that u can click that takes stills of movies. Then once u have all ur stills done u can put them all into ImageReady and make ur animated sig.. Flash is pretty good to but the .gif settings are kinda tricky to get it to look good and not all discolored and grainy.. Also if u never used flash or swish it will just make the job harder..