can some1 photoshop me some paint jobs, i want to do blue as 1 of the kolors, my interior is goin to be silver and black thanks!!!!!!
can somebody 2 tone it w/ a darker blue on top and a baby blue on bottom w/ silver line seperating, and have a neat design seperating the colors
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2000 2200 Cavalier: 9/14/2000--10/23/2006
2007 G85 SS S/C: 10/23/2006--Present
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tell me if this works---- i actualy am thinking of 2 tone now either black on top and light blue on bottom, or the opp. and light blue in the inside!
hehe. Well, those hard pics to work with. Someone with a lot of talent could do it though. I gave it a shot and failed miserably.
2000 2200 Cavalier: 9/14/2000--10/23/2006
2007 G85 SS S/C: 10/23/2006--Present
Vote for me at! Thanks!
You welded the doors shut? What the...